The war in Ukraine – information for Staff
Lund University is monitoring the course of events in Ukraine and the government’s management of the situation. This web page brings together information regarding the war’s impact on the University’s activities and staff.
Latest update: 21 March 2024.
Content on this page:
- Collaborations are suspended with immediate effect
- Collaboration agreements for education
- Collaboration agreements for research
- Support for Ukrainian researchers
- Funding for researchers from Ukraine
- Security policy aspects and information security
- Regarding business travel
The University stands in Solidarity with Ukraine
Lund University is part of a universal community of higher education institutions and researchers that share academic values. We stand for academic freedom, freedom of speech and democracy. Student exchanges are extremely important for peace and democracy. The fact that we are now leaving collaborations that are based on these principles shows the serious situation that Ukraine is now facing and which by extension also threatens the University’s core values, as well as democracy and freedom.
Collaborations are suspended with immediate effect and no new agreements are being entered into with these countries
On 2 March 2022, the Minister for Education called on all higher education institutions in Sweden to immediately discontinue all collaborations with state institutions in Russia and Belarus.
In view of the government’s urgent request, the University has now suspended all agreements and collaborations with Russia and Belarus. No new agreements will be entered into with these countries under the current circumstances.
The University is working to receive students and researchers from Ukraine, as well as undertaking other measures to support research in Ukraine.
Collaboration agreements for education
Four ongoing student exchange agreements with higher education institutions in Russia are now suspended. These agreements are managed by External Relations and faculties.
Collaboration agreements for research
The University has around 20 collaboration agreements within research that are now suspended, and no new agreements will be entered into with these countries under the current circumstances.
Ongoing collaborations between researchers at the individual level may continue, but security policy aspects should be taken into account.
Support for Ukrainian researchers
The Government has now tasked the Swedish Research Council with gathering information on support that is available to researchers who leave Ukraine and come to Sweden. Swedish higher education institutions and research funding bodies have already launched a number of support initiatives. A comprehensive list of options is published on the Swedish Research Council website.
Support for researchers from Ukraine - Vetenskapsrådet (
Funding for researchers from Ukraine
There are funding opportunities available for Ukrainian researchers who want a research position or similar in Sweden.
Funding opportunities for Ukrainian researchers
Security policy aspects and information security
As a citizen, you are to consider security policy aspects, above all regarding collaborations in strategically sensitive areas, for example those with links to export control of dual-use items (DUIs). This is required to prevent strategically sensitive products from ending up in the wrong hands for military purposes or for the production of weapons of mass destruction. Information and IT security also needs to be considered, see below.
Also be aware of the risk that you may be exposed to disinformation and various forms of manipulation where the aim is to create anxiety, destabilise and access sensitive information. More information about the University’s support for security assessments will be announced in due course.
You can read more on export control under Export control | Staff Pages and Information Security.
At you can find information gathered from Swedish public authorities regarding what we currently know and what you can do to manage your concerns.
Be particularly alert to cyber attacks
The IT Security Division and the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) have warned about the increased risk of cyber attacks due to the tightened sanctions against Russia and urges all staff members to be particularly vigilant.
Regarding business travel
The travel advisory recommendations of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs (UD) apply to business travel. The current guidance is to avoid all trips to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.
Other humanitarian initiatives
Many staff members and students are calling for humanitarian initiatives. Lund University’s overall initiatives are based on its core activities and work on reviewing existing collaborations, as well as possibilities for the University to open up the organisation more for Ukrainian students, academics and researchers.
Staff members and students who want to get involved are encouraged primarily to turn to the established organisations engaged in aid initiatives. There is of course the possibility for everyone to create local initiatives in the way that works best in the organisation to show their support and provide help.
Questions regarding the Consequences of the war in Ukraine
If you have questions on how the war in Ukraine can affect the University, you can email: ukraina [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se
LUA | Developing education and research – despite the war
Lund-Ukraine Alliance for Academic Support (LUA) is a network within Lund University that helps academia in Ukraine to endure during and after Russia’s full-scale invasion.
The group identifies the real needs and provides support to academic circles in Ukraine. By building effective collaborations, the network contributes to the development of education and research that will benefit all, also in the long run.
The alliance upholds the values of truthfulness and transparency, and it integrates the core values of Lund University in all its activities. Regardless of background and nationality, the initiative welcomes all members who respect the values and objectives of LUA.
Contact person: roman [dot] balandiuk [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Roman Balandiuk. )
HR information regarding the situation in Ukraine
Information about labour law and agreements apply as usual, possibility to hire employees from Ukraine etc.

You can make a difference
Both within and outside the University, there is great interest to help students and staff members who have been affected by the war in Ukraine.
You now have the opportunity to donate money to Lund University’s initiative: 'the Lund University support programme for students and staff affected by the situation in Ukraine'.
Send your donation marked 'Ukraine' via Swish 1230299719 or bank giro 830-6599.

The war in Ukraine affects and concerns us all – working for free academia and democracy is more important than ever
From the vice-chancellor blog: Intensive work is being carried out on how we can open doors for Ukraine at the EU and national levels and at Lund University.