Call for abstract: LU Research Conference on Sustainable Development

The call for abstract is open! Take the opportunity to share your research and meet colleagues from across the university at the forth Knowledge for Sustainable Development-conference on the 4th of December, at Stadshallen in Lund.
Call for abstract
We welcome both early-career and senior researchers at Lund University to submit their research contributions relating to sustainable development. The research contributions will be evaluated by the conference's scientific committee. The approved abstracts will then be presented orally during the thematic parallel sessions at the conference.
The deadline to send in an abstract is 13th of October.
Read more about the Call for abstract at sustainability.lu.se
About the conference
The Lund University Conference on Knowledge for Sustainable Development is an interdisciplinary research conference that aims to highlight sustainability research at Lund University. With this year’s sub-title Our shared future in times of global conflict and crisis, the conference addresses how global conflict and crises affect research and the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Visit the conference webpage for more information and to register for the conference.
Knowledge for Sustainable Development 2024 webpage - sustainability.lu.se
Last day to register is 15th of November.
About the event
Send in your abstract via the conference website.
ylva [dot] van_meeningen [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se