Gå Mjukt På Jorden / Work-In-Progress Concert

Welcome to a work-in-progress Friday concert with visual artist Elin Maria Johansson, poet Ylva Gislén and the band Cecilia Nordlund & Fullmånen Från Helvetet, presenting an audiovisual concert entitled “Gå Mjukt På Jorden“, which will go on tour this spring. In this project, the artists explore how visuals, music and poetry can be combined to create an immersive experience for the audience. The performance will last 60 minutes.
As there are only a limited number of places, please book in advance at info [at] cecilianordlund [dot] com.
About the event
Inter Arts Center, Bergsgatan 29, 214 22 Malmö (Black Room)
sylvia [dot] lysko [at] iac [dot] lu [dot] se