Welcome to the Open Science Community Lund start-up meeting!

Do you want to learn more about open science or discuss the possibilities and challenges offered by open science? Join the Open Science Community Lund (OSCL) and the community’s start-up meeting on the 5th of February.
The Open Science Community Lund (OSCL) is a hub that connects researchers and employees at the university that believe in open science as means to increase inclusivity, quality, transparency and integrity in research. The community is a bottom-up initiative that aspires to facilitate the adoption of open science practices for the benefit of both research and society. OSCL welcomes new members in all career stages and from all departments at the university with interest in any aspect of open science.
The community’s start-up meeting will be held on the 5th of February.
Where? LUX B240
When? 5th of February, 13:15-15:00
Visit the following link to read more about the meeting and to sign up.
OSCL is a member of the International Network of Open Science & Scholarship Communities and adhere to INOSCs code of conduct.
About the event
LUX B240
karolina [dot] lindh [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se