Workshop about seed funding in epidemiological research
A new call for seed funding from SFO EpiHealth is coming up. The workshop explains what seed funding for epidemiological research is and how the application process works. You will hear inspirational talks from previous awardees and learn how they have used EpiHealth seed funding to boost their next career step.
EpiHealth has made a strategic decision to support the next generation of epidemiological researchers through a call for seed funding. Seed funding is a smaller grant that is intended to cover the awardees’ working time while applying for a larger postdoc grant from a funding body (e.g., VR, Forte, Cancerfonden).
13 30 Background to SFO EpiHealth and information on new calls for seed and postdoc funding: Sölve Elmståhl, coordinator
13 35 – 14 35 Presentations by Benjamin Clareus, Lena Sandin Wranker and Dominik Dietler who have received EpiHealth seed funding and Andrea Dell’Isola who have received EpiHealth postdok funding
14 35 – 15 00 Coffee break, mingle session
15 00 – 15 30 Presentations by Emelie Ritz Liljedahl and Jesse Thatcher who have received EpiHealth seed funding
15 30 – 15 55 Information on where to apply for funding for postdoc projects by Research Services’ Carl Lagerqvist
15 55 – 16 00 Ongoing postgraduate training activities in epidemiology, Jonas Björk, professor in epidemiology
There will be an opportunity to discuss collaboration with other applicants and researchers. After this workshop, we will make a new call for seed funding.
Register by sending an e-mail to:
maria [dot] lofstedt [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
About the event
Room: BMC:E11073 i Forum Medicum, BMC, Sölvegatan 19, Lund
maria [dot] lofstedt [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se