LU News 12 | 2024
Published 19 June.
This is the last edition of LU News before the summer, it will return on 28 August.
Have a nice summer until then!
University-wide news
On the University Management’s agenda
Susanne Kristensson, University Director
"Over the past six months, many managers and staff have contributed to the efforts to balance the books in the Central Administration to lower our costs."
Central Administration subject to increasing pressure for change

Get on your bike this summer!
In time for the summer, the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation has produced an online map for cyclists that covers all of southern Sweden. It shows a joined-up network of cycle paths and quiet roads for you to explore Skåne on. Cycling holidays are good for you and for the environment!
Web map for bikers: Bike map (in Swedish).
Fika cycling around Lund (in Swedish)

Current updates from University Management

Suggestions for this newsletter?
We welcome your views on the newsletter and suggestions for content. Contact:Anna [dot] Mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se ( Anna Mansfeld).