LU News 17 | 2022
Published 19 October
University-wide news
We can provide knowledge when human rights are violated
"When democracy is in retreat and human freedoms and rights are violated or abolished, universities have an important role: to contribute knowledge and to be part of the public debate."
Apply for health promotion reimbursement in time
In order to be reimbursed for health promotion activities that you have paid for during 2022, you must submit your receipts and send in your application in Primula no later than 31 January 2023. Otherwise, your application will be rejected.
Read more about health promotion reimbursement on the Staff Pages.
Lundalopp t-shirts giveaway - has run out
96 T-shirts from last year’s Lundaloppet have been given away to anyone interested, but no they are out of stock, unfortunately.
Current updates from University Management
Suggestions for this newsletter?
This is an internal newsletter intended for all staff at Lund University. It is published in English and Swedish, is distributed every two weeks via email.
LU News features university-wide news and the University Management contributes on matters they would like to highlight.
See previous issues of LU News.