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Health advice and recommendations

This page provides information, advice, tests and exercises about your health.

A healthier life

Taking care of your health contributes to basic wellbeing and prevents both physical and mental illness. There are a variety of online tests you can do to assess your health. 

Take a lifestyle test

If you are wondering about your lifestyle and whether you need to make changes, it can be a good idea to find out how healthy your current lifestyle is.

Researchers from Linköping University have produced an online lifestyle test that can give you an idea of how healthy your lifestyle is. All tests are anonymous and the results are only available to you.

Take the Lifestyle Analysis test on 

Contact the Occupational Health Service

If you are suffering from, or are at risk of, illness related to your work, you are always welcome to contact the Occupational Health Service for advice.

Information, advice, tests and exercises

The Occupational Health Service has put together information and advice on stress, sleep, alcohol, healthy eating, exercise and relaxation.

For each area, we have selected a few relevant links to external sites with information, advice, tests and exercises that can help you both to prevent and to recover from illness. There is also information about what help is available at Lund University and who in the Occupational Health Service you can contact.


Alcohol is omnipresent in our society. For some people it is associated with fun, but sometimes alcohol consumption can lead to risky use or abuse of alcohol.

The more information you have about alcohol and its effects on the body, the easier it is for you to maintain a healthy approach to drinking alcohol. Below are some links with more information about alcohol.

Check your alcohol habits

Take an anonymous test about your alcohol habits on

Online healthcare guide

The 1177 Vårdguiden website offers good information and advice about alcohol. The website also has a test you can take to assess whether your alcohol consumption is high risk.

Information on alcohol from 1177 Vårdguiden (in Swedish)

Alcohol support line

You can call Alkohollinjen to talk to an advisor about your alcohol habits or those of a relative. They can also provide support to help you make a change. All contact takes place by telephone, the service is free of charge and you can remain anonymous.

Alkohollinjen website (in Swedish)

Alcohol dependency clinics

At the dependency clinics you can receive help changing your behaviour with regard to your alcohol consumption.

Contacts at the Occupational Health Service

Annika Ekstedt
Occupational Health Nurse
annika [dot] ekstedt [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (annika[dot]ekstedt[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Eva Örnling
Occupational Health Nurse
eva [dot] ornling [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (eva[dot]ornling[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Kristina Dellholm
Occupational Health Nurse
kristina [dot] dellholm [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (kristina[dot]dellholm[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Therése Hagman
Occupational Health Nurse
therese [dot] hagman [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (therese[dot]hagman[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Anabela Stan
Occupational Health Physician
anabela [dot] stan [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (anabela[dot]stan[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Roosi Verendel Nyberg
Occupational Health Physician
roosi [dot] verendel_nyberg [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (roosi[dot]verendel_nyberg[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Learn more about relaxation

Regular relaxation exercises help to improve your health and reduce stress. Physical effects of relaxation include

  • lower blood pressure,
  • lower pulse,
  • lower levels of stress hormones,
  • improved cognition,
  • improved efficiency,
  • improved self-esteem,
  • reduced muscle tension and
  • weight control.

Relaxation exercises 

Pausit – the pause program at Lund University

You can also find relaxation exercises for the entire body on the 1177 website

Relaxation exercises on 1177 Healthcare Guide Online (in Swedish)

Contacts at the Occupational Health Service

Matilda Eklund
Physiotherapist and ergonomist
matilda [dot] eklund [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (matilda[dot]eklund[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Anne Link
Physiotherapist and ergonomist
anne [dot] link [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (anne[dot]link[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Learn more about physical activity and how to prevent ill health

Exercise is an effective ‘medicine’ against many diseases. The human body is built to move. Both body and soul benefit from physical activity.

In order to get into a good routine for physical activity, it is important to choose activities you enjoy and plan your day to fit them in.

Anonymous test

Take an anonymous physical activity test on

Health promotion at Lund University

Lund University employees are entitled to subsidised physical activity. Our health promotion regulations aim to encourage employees to participate in regular physical activity.

We aim to increase wellbeing at work, create a pleasant working environment with good social interaction and reduced absences due to illness, as well as preventing and reducing occupational injuries.

You are entitled to reimbursement of expenses for physical activity of a simple nature and low cost. Both conditions must be met for the activity to qualify for reimbursement.

More information about health promotion

Sports, exercise and outdoor activities

The municipal websites provide information about sports, exercise and outdoor activities in the three cities:

Contacts at the Occupational Health Service

Matilda Eklund
Physiotherapist and ergonomist
matilda [dot] eklund [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (matilda[dot]eklund[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Anne Link
Physiotherapist and ergonomist
anne [dot] link [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (anne[dot]link[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Learn more about healthy eating

Good eating habits are important for physical and mental health. A balanced diet, especially in combination with physical activity, can help prevent a range of health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer.

Test your eating habits

Take an anonymous test about your eating habits

Public Health Agency

The Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten) has everything from dietary advice, reports and publications to networks and events in the field of nutrition and health.

Find out more about healthy eating on the Folkhälsomyndigheten website

Swedish Food Agency

The Swedish Food Agency works in the interests of consumers to promote food safety and good eating habits. The website also has information about legislation and regulations concerning food.

Swedish Food Agency information and advice on food and nutrition

Guidelines for a balanced diet

On the 1177 website you can read about food and nutrition and how what you eat affects you. There are also tips on how to eat well at different stages of life and how to care for your teeth.

More information about eating a balanced diet on (in Swedish)

Contacts at the Occupational Health Service

Annika Ekstedt
Occupational Health Nurse
annika [dot] ekstedt [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (annika[dot]ekstedt[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Eva Örnling
Occupational Health Nurse
eva [dot] ornling [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (eva[dot]ornling[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Kristina Dellholm
Occupational Health Nurse
kristina [dot] dellholm [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (kristina[dot]dellholm[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se) 

Therése Hagman
Occupational Health Nurse
therese [dot] hagman [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (therese[dot]hagman[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)


Stress is a natural reaction to challenges and trials. If our stress reaction continues for a long time without periods of rest and recovery, it can lead to illness.

In the links below you will find information and tips on how to manage your situation in a sustainable way.

Test your stress levels

Take an anonymous test to see your current stress levels. If you have taken the test and feel that you need help to change your situation, feel free to talk to your manager or contact us at the Occupational Health Service.

Take the test on

Online public healthcare guide, 1177 Vårdguiden

1177 Vårdguiden's website provides advice and good information on stress (most information in Swedish)


Suntarbetsliv is a non-profit organisation run by the trade unions and employee organisations SKR and Sobona. Their website provides good information (in Swedish) and useful tools for coping with work-related stress and recovery.

Go to Suntarbetsliv's website

Contacts at the Occupational Health Service

Johan Dahl
johan [dot] dahl [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (johan[dot]dahl[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Linda Kuhn
linda [dot] kuhn [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (linda[dot]kuhn[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Annika Ekstedt
Occupational Health Nurse
annika [dot] ekstedt [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (annika[dot]ekstedt[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Eva Örnling
Occupational Health Nurse
eva [dot] ornling [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (eva[dot]ornling[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Kristina Dellholm
Occupational Health Nurse
kristina [dot] dellholm [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (kristina[dot]dellholm[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Therése Hagman
Occupational Health Nurse
therese [dot] hagman [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (therese[dot]hagman[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Learn more about sleep

Sleep is important for health. Read on for more information and advice about the connection between sleep and health.

Sleeping difficulties

Around one in three people in Sweden have trouble sleeping at some point. This could mean difficulty falling asleep, waking up early, or waking up several times during the night.

It is essential that we get enough sleep and this cannot be compromised. Good sleep provides both physical and mental rest, strengthens the immune system and contributes to good health.

Symptoms of a lack of sleep include

  • tiredness,
  • concentration difficulties,
  • feeling low,
  • stiffness and
  • headaches.

Test your sleep habits

Take an anonymous test about your sleep habits on

Advice for better sleep

The 1177 Vårdguiden offers good advice on sleep and health.

Find advice for better sleep on the 1177 Vårdguiden website (in Swedish)

Contacts at the Occupational Health Service

Annika Ekstedt
Occupational Health Nurse
annika [dot] ekstedt [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (annika[dot]ekstedt[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Eva Örnling
Occupational Health Nurse
eva [dot] ornling [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (eva[dot]ornling[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Kristina Dellholm
Occupational Health Nurse
kristina [dot] dellholm [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (kristina[dot]dellholm[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se) 

Anabela Stan
Occupational Health Physician
anabela [dot] stan [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (anabela[dot]stan[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Johan Dahl
johan [dot] dahl [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (johan[dot]dahl[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)


foretagshalsovarden [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (foretagshalsovarden[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

+46 46 222 32 80

Internal mailing code

Postal address
Occupational Health Service
Lund University
Box 117
221 00 LUND

Visiting address
Gerdagatan 9, Lund

See map

Opening hours
Monday-Friday 08.00-15.00
Closed for lunch 12:00-12:30

Consultations by appointment only

Do you have any viewpoints?
Your viewpoints are important to us. Contact us on foretagshalsovarden [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (foretagshalsovarden[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)

Head of the Occupational Health Service
Anne Link