Lärosäten Syd Brussels office
University Management and Central Administration
Central Administration
Research, Collaboration and Innovation
Visiting address: Rue du Luxembourg 3, 1000 Bryssel, Belgien
Postal address: Rue du Luxembourg 3, 1000 Bryssel, Belgien
Service point: 34
The Brussels office is led by a steering committee composed of the deputy vice-chancellors within the network of Universities in South Sweden, Lärosäten Syd. Björn Fagerström, Head of Division Research, Collaboration and Innovation, is Lund University’s representative and convenor of the steering committee. A working group of representatives from the universities’ research support functions coordinates the operations of the network. Anneli Wiklander at the Research Services office is Lund University’s representative and convenor of the group.
Web page: https://larosatensyd.se/en/brussels/