Anna-Karin Alm
Email: anna-karin [dot] alm [at] ftf [dot] lth [dot] se
Project manager at
Solid State Physics
+46 46 222 16 53
Service point:
Room number:
Visiting address:
Professorgatan 1, Lund
Project manager at
Cooperation office
+46 46 222 16 53
+46 70 922 30 70
Service point:
Visiting address:
Medicon Village, The Spark (402A), Scheeletorget 1, Lund
Jag arbetar som projektledare inom NanoLund, Lunds universitets forskningscentrum för nanovetenskap och nanoteknik. I mitt ansvarsområde ingår att utveckla NanoLunds samarbeten med företag, forskningsinstitut och andra organisationer. Jag koordinerar också arbetet inom Grants office, där vi ger stöd till NanoLunds forskare vid ansökningar om forskningsmedel i samverkan med externa aktörer. Läs mer om NanoLund på hemsidan. Du hittar länken nedan. I work as project manager within NanoLund - center for nanoscience and nanotechnology. I am responsible for coordinating external relations activities and research collaborations, as well as the Grants office support offered to scientists within NanoLund. You find more information about NanoLund on the webpage. You find the link below.
Profile area member at
LTH Profile Area: Nanoscience and Semiconductor Technology
Profile area member at
LU Profile Area: Light and Materials
Research support at
NanoLund: Centre for Nanoscience