Members and representatives for the Council for gender equality and equal opportunities
1 February 2024 – 31 January 2027
Further down on this page:
- Vice-Chancellors office: Jimmie Kristensson, chair
- University Administration: Marie Härstedt, member
- School of Economics & Management: Joakim Gullstrand, member
- Faculties of Humanities & Theology: Alexander Maurits, member
- Faculty of Engineering: Johan Revstedt, member
- Faculty of Fine & Performing Arts: Santino S. Resić, member
- Faculty of Law: Patrik Lindskoug, member
- Faculty of Medicine: Eva Ageberg, member
- Faculty of Science: Per Persson, member
- Faculty of Social Sciences: Agnes Andersson, member
- MAX IV: Ann Terry, member
- Lund University Library: Ewa Giniewska, member
- USV/LUKOM: Annie Lindberg, member
- Lund University Student Union Association: Amanda Svalin Skog, representative
- Lund University Student Union Association: Wendela Muhola, representative
- Lund University Student Union Association: Vacant
- OFR, Employee organisation: Magnus Ring, representative
- Seko, Employee organisation: Aferdita Iseni, representative
- SACO, Employee organisation: Björn Frostner, representative
- Student Affairs: Åsa K Nilsson, management support
Working group with expert competence for gender equality and equal opportunities at Lund University
The period of 1 February 2024 – 31 January 2027.
The following people are part of the working group:
- Professor Anette Agardh, Faculty of Medicine
- Professor Tomas Brage, Faculty of Science
- Assistant professor Rebecca Selberg, Faculty of Social Sciences
- A student representative appointed by Lund University Student Union Association
Åsa K Nilsson, coordinator (management support in the Council for Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities)
radetjol [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (radetjol[at]hr[dot]lu[dot]se)