Electronic legal deposit
Lund University must submit electronic material to the National Library of Sweden under the legal requirement of electronic legal deposit (eLD). Deposits are made through our eLD system, E-plikta.
You may wonder how eLD is linked to other systems, such as document registration and e-archives, and ask yourself: “Am I to deposit the same document in several systems?” The short answer to that question is “No”.
This is eLD
The electronic legal deposit is a legal requirement to submit copies of electronic materials made available to the public. eLD aims to collect and preserve digital cultural heritage to support future research.
It is the National Library of Sweden that receives electronic legal deposits.
Read more about eLD on the website of the National Library of Sweden
Submit digital copies as eLD
Electronic legal deposit means submitting digital copies of digital publications published on our websites directed to the public.
It does not cover digital publications directed at employees or admitted students.
The material is to consist of single files of a finalised and permanent nature. Finalised and permanent means that you will no longer change the information. Electronic legal deposits may include texts, pictures, video, and audio.
Publications at Lund University that are subject to eLD
There are seven types of publications at Lund University that are subject to eLD:
- Student recruitment material, such as prospectuses, recruitment videos, and instructions on how to apply for a course or programme.
- Staff recruitment material, such as recruitment videos and instructions on how to apply for a position.
- Reports and investigations that are of public interest, such as the University’s annual financial statement.
- Commemorative and jubilee publications.
- General information about the University for the public, such as brochures, exhibition catalogues, communication or marketing materials, newsletters, and journals.
- Research information for the public, such as newsletters, journals, communication or marketing videos, and video lectures.
- Research publications.
Do not upload research publications in E-plikta
Research publications are not to be uploaded in E-plikta. LUCRIS automatically delivers research publications subject to eLD to the National Library of Sweden.
This is how you make electronic legal deposits
Within three months of publishing any material subject to eLD, you are to upload it to E-plikta, our system for delivering eLD material to the National Library of Sweden.
Kristoffer Holmqvist
+46 46 222 82 55
info [at] eplikt [dot] lu [dot] se