Research funding and project management
The vast majority of Swedish researchers apply for funding for their research projects and spend time managing and reporting granted funding. Below are tips and advice on how to make it easier to get things right from the start.
Short-cuts to content on this page:
- Applying for and managing research funding at Lund University
- Managing agreements and finances for research projects
- Associated financial management
Applying for and managing research funding at Lund University
The head of department manages all department operations. Amongst many things, this means accepting responsibility for the department finances, including deciding on which applications for research funding that are to be submitted and which projects are to be carried out. You are always to involve the head of department and the department’s finance officer in matters relating to applications for research funding or project management.
Once the head of department has approved the application for research funding, you can usually yourself apply directly to the main research funding bodies, such as the Swedish Research Council. You provide reporting on the project with help from your department’s finance officer.
Central management: Certain funding bodies require that Lund University’s central administration manages or engages in grant application- and project management processes. In these cases, Research Services provide support to the researcher and/or department or faculty. For example, this is the case for project grants and individual support grants with Wallenberg Foundations, and the EU’s framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe.
Read more about funding bodies and central management
Read more about Research Services and supported calls for applications on their blog
Full cost calculation for a grant application: Applications are to include a full cost calculation that estimates the project cost and any co-funding, for example co-funding of overhead (indirect) costs. The full cost calculation is conducted with support from the department’s finance officer, and the head of department must always approve the co-funding.
Find templates for project calculations on the Division of Finances website (in Swedish)
Read more about full cost coverage and co-funding on the Division of Finances website (in Swedish)
Co-funding: Funding bodies do not necessarily cover the entire cost of a research project, and if this is not the case the University must contribute to the funding of both direct project costs and overheads in what is known as co-funding. Responsibility for co-funding lies at the departmental level and decisions are made by the head of department.
Managing agreements and finances for research projects
Requirements of the research funding body. The project agreement with the funding body regulates aspects such as financial management and reporting, the right to results, etc. Always read through the project agreement carefully. Get assistance from your head of department and the department’s finance officer if something is unclear.
You can read more about who is authorised to approve and sign research-related agreements in the theme Research-related agreements and intellectual property rights.
Approval rules: show who has responsibility for, and makes decisions on, the use of the University’s funds in different situations.
Read more about the approval process
Lund University Approval Rules (PDF, 291 kB, new window)
Kuben: is a tool for monitoring and analysis that helps you to keep track of the financial side of your project. It is recommended that you obtain support from your department’s finance officer.
Facts about Lund University in applications and project management: Certain information about the University is usually required by funding bodies for grant applications and project management. This information is updated annually.
Find facts about Lund University (in Swedish)
Basic facts regarding Lund University’s staff and finances: may also be required in grant applications and project management.
Find facts about staff and finances on the public website
Associated financial management
Purchasing and procurement: must be carried out to ensure the right quality and total cost, and have advantageous conditions for the long term. These transactions are to be approved by the head of department and conducted with the support of the purchasing coordinator. The University’s e-commerce system Lupin lists procured services and products and is used for purchases. The threshold for the direct procurement of contracts is an order value of SEK 700,000 or more.
Read more about purchasing and procurement
Rules for conferences: there are framework agreements for conference services and the suppliers can be found in Lupin. Co-arrangements are not to be conducted with an organisation owned by a University employee, as this could entail a risk of conflict of interest. Payment of delegate fees must be made to the University’s bank account.
Read more about rules for conferences
Rules for entertainment: apply to activities carried out to promote the University’s operations that include food, drink, gifts and suchlike. All entertainment is to be utilised judiciously and have a direct connection with the University’s operations.
Read more about rules for entertainment
Rules for business travel: the trip is to be approved by your manager/head of department. A procured travel agency is to be used for the booking of travel and accommodation, which includes travel insurance. Tickets and other costs are first and foremost to be invoiced, while other costs are reported as outlays in the Primula staff and salary system.

Project- and financial management
Contact your head of department and the department’s finance officer
Questions regarding contract signing
Lund University’s legal counsels
Questions regarding approval rules
Finance Division
Central management of certain funding bodies
Research Services
Internal courses
What is ”overhead” and how does it work? (Kompetensportalen)