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FAQ - Business travel

Travel regulations

The travel regulations and general advice on travel can be found in the Rules and Regulations section of the Staff Pages. The primary contact for employees with questions on interpreting the rules and regulations is their line manager.

Regulations for business travel at Lund University (PDF 41 kB, new tab)

General guidelines for business travel at Lund University (PDF 49 kB, new tab)

Managers can contact resor [at] lu [dot] se for help with interpreting the regulations.

All business travel is to be booked through the travel agencies with which Lund University has an agreement; currently, this is BCD Travel and Togrejse. They have been instructed how to book travel for the University according to the agreed guidelines.

  • BCD Travel: All air travel, airport transfers, rail travel connected with air travel and domestic rail travel.
  • Togrejse: All rail travel in Europe

When you book a trip through BCD you follow the procured agreement signed by the University. Furthermore, invoicing is made through SEB Diners and you don’t need to pay out in advance. Togrejse sends electronic invoices through Lupin/Proceedo.

It is also a safety issue. If travel is booked through BCD, the University can locate the University’s travellers in the event of an incident or emergency.

Travel profile to enable bookings

All air travel and accommodation, and rail travel in Sweden through the travel agency BCD

Apply for authorisation as a Traveller via Lucat. The travel profile can be used from the day after authorisation has been approved in Lucat.

Read more about how to proceed

All rail travel abroad through the Danish rail travel agency, Togrejse

Information about booking rail travel abroad through Togrejse

Apply for authorisation as a Travel Booker via Lucat. The travel profile can be used from the day after authorisation has been approved in Lucat.

Read more about how to proceed

Below you can read more about entering your name correctly in your profile in Cytric/BCD Travel. It is especially important for flight tickets that the name in your profile is the same as that in your passport. Certain airlines can change the name on the spot, but sometimes they charge a fee for this.

Example:  It says “Anna Lena Kristin” in my passport, but it just says "Lena" in my profile and I need to add “Anna”.

First names

  • are the names listed before the surname in your passport
  • must be listed on airline tickets in the same order as in your passport. This means that if the name you usually call yourself as listed in Lucat is actually second in the order, you will need to have your first name added so that your travel profile matches the information in your passport. If you have more than one first name, they may also be added in this field.
  • is a compulsory field in the traveller profile in Cytric/BCD Travel. It is locked for alterations, but can be changed by contacting resor [at] lu [dot] se. Once you have received confirmation of the change, you will see it on your profile from the next day.  

In case of acute changes: Ask a colleague who can book for others to book on your behalf. They will be able to add the whole name as stated in your passport at the time of booking.


  • is the name listed after first names and middle name, if given
  • must be listed on airline tickets in the same order as in your passport
  • is a compulsory field in the traveller profile in Cytric/BCD Travel. It is locked for alterations, but can be changed by contacting resor [at] lu [dot] se. Once you have received confirmation of the change, you will see it on your profile from the next day.

In case of acute changes: Ask a colleague who can book for others to book on your behalf. They will be able to add the whole name as stated in your passport at the time of booking.

Middle name

  • is a name listed after the first names and immediately before the surname(s)
  • looks like a surname, but does not serve as a surname and can therefore not be passed on to children or spouse
  • is not permitted in Sweden after 2017, being listed as two surnames instead, but those who already have one may retain it as a middle name
  • middle name is an optional detail on airline tickets and an optional field in the traveller profile with Cytric/BCD Travel

Mobile phone number

  • mobile phone number is a compulsory field in the traveller profile in Cytric/BCD Travel and must be updated on the profile once or in every booking. Add your country code: example +46701234567.
  • is necessary for some modes of transport or certain operators in order to receive tickets or travel information
  • is also necessary in order for Lund University, as your employer, to be able to contact you in the event of an urgent situation arising at your destination
  • provide your work number if you have one or your private phone if you are taking it with you on the journey

When a travel booker makes the booking, they are responsible for ensuring the contact details are correct.

When booking online, travel bookers can add a mobile phone number by entering the traveller’s mobile phone number at the end of the booking and clicking “save” in the box below. If the booking is made via telephone, the booker is responsible for ensuring that the traveller has already entered their mobile phone number or does so immediately after the booking is made. If there is a mistake in the booking: Contact BCD to correct the booking and then ask the person travelling to log in and add the correct telephone number/title for future bookings. For general questions regarding profile information, contact resor [at] lu [dot] se (resor[at]lu[dot]se).

Other personal information

  • can be found under separate headings in the traveller profile in Cytric/BCD Travel, such as travel preferences or date of birth.
  • as in other systems, Lund University strives to minimise the amount of information recorded, so be restrictive with providing details that are not obligatory for your booking or that do not make your booking easier in some way.

Start by checking when your authorisation was approved by your manager. If it was approved during the day, your profile will be generated overnight. Wait until the following day and then try logging in to BCD Travel’s portal.

Contact resor [at] lu [dot] se if your travel profile still doesn’t work.

Terminate the old authorisation and apply again for your new workplace via Lucat. Both removal of an existing profile and application for a new profile require approval from your manager, so make sure to coordinate so that all involved are able to carry out these processes on the same day.

Support guide about entitlements in Lucat (PDF 260 kB, new tab)

When you use BCD Travel in order to book business travel, BCD becomes responsible for your personal data in connection with the trip. This means that any comments or questions about how your personal data is processed in relation to your trip are to be directed to BCD.

For more information about how BCD processes your personal data, see their Privacy Policy – BCD Travel website

  1. Click on your name at the top of the page.
  2. Choose “My User Profile/Min användarprofil”.
  3. Choose “Personal Preferences/Personliga inställningar”.
  4. Change the language in “Language Selection/Språkval”.
  5. Save your settings.

Log in to BCD Travel’s self-booking system (use your LUCAT authorisation)

Booking a trip, in general

All air travel and accommodation, and rail travel in Sweden through the travel agency BCD

Once you have got a travel profile, you can book your trip via BCD Travel’s self-booking system. You can also contact BCD Travel by telephone between 08:00 and 17:00, on +46 8 505 461 12.

Log in to BCD Travel’s self-booking system (use your LUCAT authorisation)

All rail travel abroad through the Danish rail travel agency, Togrejse

Information about booking rail travel abroad through Togrejse

There are help guides in the system itself. If you can’t find the answer there, you can contact BCD Travel between 08:00 and 17:00, by calling +46 8 505 461 12 or sending an email to clienttechnologysupport [at] bcdtravel [dot] eu (clienttechnologysupport[at]bcdtravel[dot]eu).

Log in to BCD Travel’s self-booking system (use your LUCAT authorisation)

For flights and trains, travel bookers can book up to four (4) people simultaneously. Start by selecting travelers in the first step, then proceed to choose the travel options.

For hotels, travel bookers can reserve for up to nine (9) people at once. Begin by selecting travelers in the personal dashboard, then choose the hotel and proceed. Each guest should be able to select individual rooms or price categories. In case of cancellations, each booking will be displayed separately.

Please note that only the travel booker will receive the confirmation/booking via email and they must therefore forward it to the relevant travellers.

Contact BCD Travel’s personal service if booking for more than four travellers. If the booking concerns ten people or more, contact BCD Travel Meetings & Events.

All rail travel abroad through the Danish rail travel agency, Togrejse

Information about booking rail travel abroad through Togrejse

You must be authorised as a travel booker in order to book on behalf of guests.

How to book on behalf of guests in the self-service booking system Cytric:  

  1. Remove yourself as a passenger if you are not travelling yourself.
  2. Choose ”Add travellers” in the first field in the Travel Arranger Dashboard/Select travellers and booking type.  
  3. Choose “Book for a guest”. Fill in the passenger’s first name and last name (as stated in their passport).
  4. Continue making the booking by choosing flights, train, hotel etc.

There are help guides within the system itself. If you don’t find the answer there, you can contact BCD Travel by telephone between 08:00 and 17:00 on +46 8 505 461 12 or send them an email to clienttechnologysupport [at] bcdtravel [dot] eu (clienttechnologysupport[at]bcdtravel[dot]eu).

Log in to BCD Travel’s self-booking system (use your LUCAT authorisation)

All rail travel abroad through the Danish rail travel agency, Togrejse

Information about booking rail travel abroad through Togrejse

If you are unable to book the trip yourself, you can ask someone with authorisation at your department/unit to book for others.

It is currently not possible to book travel for family members via BCD Travel. Please contact your local HR officer.

Staff can always report expenses after completion of a trip, although travel expense reports only cover the staff member.

Read more about travel expense reports

In case of errors or shortcomings on your trip, please file your claim directly with BCD Travel at lu [at] bcdtravel [dot] se.

Complaints about a booking made with the previous travel agency Egencia? Contact customer_service [at] egencia [dot] se.

No. As a public authority, we are not allowed to make use of carbon offset credits, such as the purchasing of emission allowances.

This is a fee for the service provided by the travel agency. It applies to both personal service and use of the self-booking system.

Prices can be found in Lupin, under Purchase; Travel and Accommodation; Travel Agent Services.

Read more about the agreements in Lupin

Feel free to report major price differences to clienttechnologysupport [at] bcdtravel [dot] eu

In case of uncertainty, bookings can also be made through the personalised service, which offers a wider range than what appears in the self-booking system.

Depending on your booking type, you can cancel/rebook in the system.

Look under "My trips" and “Recent or current bookings”, click on accommodation/trip status.

Booking train travel and hire cars

Read more about local travel by rented car, bus, and taxi

Night trains, annual passes, and seat reservations can be booked directly with SJ, phone number 0771-75 75 55, option 2. Provide the customer number, as well as the billing address including reference (first and last name). For information about the customer number, contact maria [dot] plaschke [at] eken [dot] lu [dot] se.

Other types of tickets can be booked through BCD, which plans to have access to all ticket types in January 2025.

It will now be easier for Lund University staff to travel by train in Europe. This means that we can further reduce the climate impact of our business travel. As of 1 June 2023, all rail travel abroad is to be booked through the Danish rail travel agency, Togrejse, via the link to a form, which can be found in Lupin/Proceedo. However, all air travel, airport transfers, rail travel connected with air travel and domestic rail travel are booked as previously via BCD Travel.

Read more about rail travel in Europe

What is an Interrail Pass?

An Interrail Pass is a rail ticket that is valid on almost all trains throughout Europe. With an Interrail Pass, you have access to 37 rail and ferry companies in 33 countries. Please note that the Interrail Pass, if used for private travel, is taxed as a benefit according to the Swedish Tax Agency’s rules for season tickets.

Read more about the Swedish Tax Agency’s rules on travel (in Swedish)

You must report the benefit amount yourself in Primula. More information about how to do this is available in a document in the Statens Servicecenter (SSC) Portal, User guidance for staff (2.3.3 Benefit value). Contact SSC or your local HR officer if you have any questions.

Log in to the SSC Portal

You can hire a car internally via LU Service in Lupin. It is also possible to book externally via a procurement agreement in Lupin or when booking your trip with BCD Travel.

Read more about booking a hire car

When booking through BCD

The invoice comes directly from the car rental company even if the car is booked through the travel agency BCD. This is to facilitate VAT handling.

You can make a booking in the self-service booking system or by telephone or email to BCD, or as a travel expense if necessary. Note that a fee is applied when booking domestic train travel via BCD.

Contact SJ directly, and send the documentation to the Division of Finances using the internal support form so that the compensation can be identified in the bank giro account when payment is made. Specify bank giro number 5051-4728, Lund University and the relevant cost centre.

Finance Division’s support form (select category “Payment to LU/Review account”)


Cars booked through the procured travel agency are invoiced by the car rental company to facilitate VAT handling.

Booking accommodation

Yes. Check the details carefully each time you make a booking if you book on a non-refundable basis.

The agreed prices are available via the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet):

Find agreed prices via the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (, in Swedish)

If the prices don’t match up, start by contacting the hotel and informing maria [dot] plaschke [at] eken [dot] lu [dot] se.

In Lupin, you can find options for long-term hotel accommodation including kitchen facilities.

Log in to Lupin

Remember to only specify one (1) person when booking online, even if two (2) people will share the room.

Booking flights

A maximum of four people at any one time.

Yes, via BCD’s personal service.

Wizzair: You must contact the personal service at BCD by mail, not phone.

Easyjet: BCD recommends that we include one (1) item of luggage and a seat reservation, as luggage cannot be added later if you change your mind. The traveller is always to state if they want luggage and a seat reservation at the time of booking.

It is not recommended to book RyanAir via a travel agency. BCD can assist with the booking if so wished but will also inform you about the risks involved. There is a risk of cancellation and difficulties if you want to rebook or cancel. And there will be no information sent to you concerning checking in, changes or other details. We therefore recommend that you make the booking yourself as a travel expense.

Email or phone BCD regarding technical questions about online tools:

  • Email: ClientTechnologySupport [at] bcdtravel [dot] eu
  • Telephone: +46 8 505 461 12 (tone dial 2)

Group and conference bookings

Group bookings are limited to a maximum of 4 guests (flights only) at a time in Egencia’s online booking system (the self-booking portal). If you have more than 4 participants, you must make two separate bookings in the system.

Log in to BCD Travel’s self-booking system (use your LUCAT authorisation)

If you need to book for more than 10 or more people, please contact BCD Travel Meetings & Events, by telephone +46 8 5054 6373 or email groups [dot] sweden [at] bcdme [dot] com.

The Staff Pages feature information for staff on organising meetings:

Read more about meetings, digital meetings and conferences

Conference premises outside Lund University are to be booked via our procured conference agency Svenska Möten, or at one of the conference facilities procured via the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet) to be found on You will find the agreement with Svenska Möten in Lupin.

Find information on the procured conference agency Svenska Möten in Lupin

Find procured conference facilities (, in Swedish)

Travel expense reports, expenses, invoices and entertainment

Your primary contact is your local HR officer.

Read more about travel expense reports and expenses

BCD makes the charge for hotel stays when you check out, but their booking fee is charged at the time of booking. That is why you will receive two invoices. The first contains the booking fee and the second the hotel cost.

When VAT is specified on the invoice from SEB Kort, it should be booked to account 15410 (input VAT).

For all invoices related to business trips, you should attach supporting documents that specify the nature of the business event. For example, this could include an invitation to a conference.

It could be because the traveller has an Å, Ä or Ö in their name. Unfortunately, BCD cannot process these letters in their order reference. This means that the invoice does not automatically get sent to the right person for reviewing.

If you receive an invoice without Å, Ä, Ö in the reference and it has not been matched to the correct user in Lupin/Proceedo, do the following: Use the contact form to write to the Division of Finances and select the category Supplier invoice to LU (Lupin/Proceedo). Provide the following heading: Incorrect spelling of order reference.

Provide the invoice number and the name of the right person to conduct the check. We will then connect the incorrect spelling to the correct user in Lupin/Proceedo so that future invoices will be sent to the right person.

When the travel agency books and processes a card payment using a manual voucher, a “merchant fee” is added and charged separately as a one-off.

Usually everything is booked through a travel expense account, so this is not added on all bookings.

Crediting of trips goes through SEB and can therefore take extra time. This is partly because we receive invoices via SEB Kort every 14 days, and partly because the travel agency needs feedback/credit from airlines/hotels.

If uncertain, contact BCD’s invoice department and ask them to provide feedback when credit has been created. After confirmation, the invoice can be processed, i.e., before the University receives the credit invoice.

In addition to the service fee, local taxes such as city tax, tourist tax may apply for hotels abroad, and these are visible in the invoice specification. These fees are charged on-site. It is not the hotels/travel agency that controls these fees; they are determined by local authorities in each country/city.

Insurance and safety when travelling

Contact your local HR officer with questions about insurance.

Read more about insurance

The page “If something goes wrong while you are travelling” provides information on how to proceed and who to contact.

If something goes wrong while you are travelling

Contact - Business Travel

Book all air travel and accommodation, and rail travel in Sweden via the travel agency BCD Travel

Self-booking (if you have created a traveller profile):

Technical questions concerning the self-booking system:

clienttechnologysupport [at] bcdtravel [dot] eu (clienttechnologysupport[at]bcdtravel[dot]eu)

Customer service:

Hours: 08:00-17:00

Telephone +46 8 505 461 12

E-mail: lu [at] bcdtravel [dot] se (lu[at]bcdtravel[dot]se)

After 17:00, you will be transferred to BCD’s 24-hour service. Bear in mind that the service fee is higher after office hours.

Changes or cancellations

Contact the travel agency directly or use their website or mobile app.

Booking group travels (10 or more travellers)

BCD Travel Meetings & Events

Telephone: +46 8 5054 6373

E-mail: groups [dot] sweden [at] bcdme [dot] com (groups[dot]sweden[at]bcdme[dot]com)

Questions on invoices and credit notes

BCD Travel AB

E-mail: fakturafragor [at] bcdtravel [dot] se

Booking rail travel in Europe

Contact information for the travel agency Togrejse (LU Box - log in with Lucat)

Booking taxis

The taxi agreement covers the whole of Sweden as well as trips to and from Norway, Denmark and Finland. The agreement can be found under the category ”Travel and Accommodation/Taxi services” in Lupin/Proceedo.

Log in to Lupin

Rental car via LU Service

Campus service

E-mail: campusservice [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se

Help with interpreting regulations

Employees are to address any questions on interpretation of the regulations and general advice to their line manager. Managers can email their own questions to resor [at] lu [dot] se.

Change your traveller profile name

resor [at] lu [dot] se (resor[at]lu[dot]se)

Additional questions

The Purchasing and Procurement office

Please contact us via our support form (Category: Purchasing/"Agreements and procurement")