This page is aimed at you who are economists at Lund University. On this page you will find information regarding how your work affects LUCRIS.
Your work with awards is an important part of LUCRIS
As an economist, you have insight into the research contracts (awards) at your faculty. Lund University mandates that all externally funded awards must be recorded in both W3D3 and LUCRIS by the central contract function at Forskningsservice. By entering award information in LUCRIS, researchers can show how their research projects are funded by linking this information to their projects in the system.
How to handle awards
Your responsibility is to submit the award, with complete documentation, via the web form at:
Process for externally funded awards
- The researcher submits the application to the funder.
- A local administrator enters the application in W3D3.
- Decisions on approved funding are received.
- In case of rejection: the administrator records the rejection in the application case in W3D3.
- In case of approval: the person with delegation to sign for the organisation signs the decision (if a signature is required). Typically, this is done by the head of department.
- The local economist submits complete documentation to the contract function. The documentation should include the application, and the decision should be signed if a signature is required.
- The contract function enters the contract in W3D3 and the information in LUCRIS.
- The researcher (or in some cases a LUCRIS administrator) creates a project from the award information in LUCRIS.
- The researcher continues to update the project with, for example, Research Output and Activities in LUCRIS until the project is completed.
What to submit
Keep in mind that this central handling only applies to externally funded research awards, i.e. decisions and agreements regarding external research funds, both for grant and commissioned research.
This does not include general agreements that have no connection to research and its funding or that concern pure infrastructure, even if the infrastructure will be used for research.
Write to kontrakt [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (kontrakt[at]fsi[dot]lu[dot]se) if you are unsure or consult the document management plan. It also does not apply to the applications themselves or requisitions (although both must be kept in a W3D3). These are entered locally.
Clarification: You are welcome to include the application or requisition form, especially if they form part of the notice or contain relevant information, but we need the decision part to post the case.
Automatic notification when complete
Once a case is entered into the register, W3D3 automatically sends an email to the designated local administrator containing the register number. Simultaneously, the specified researcher receives a corresponding message from LUCRIS indicating that the funding has been registered there.
Keep this in mind when filling out the form
- Enter correct project title. This is usually found on the application, if it is not included in the decision. Otherwise, ask the researcher. (This is important partly because it increases searchability in the register and partly because titles become visible externally in the Research Portal when the researchers publish related projects).
- Specified administrator must have authorization in W3D3.
- The domicile requested is the entity, usually institution, that corresponds to the options in the "Institution/equivalent" field in W3D3. Domicile is never a cost center or the name of a subdivision.
- Responsible researcher is the person who applied for and received the grant. Not necessarily the project manager.
- Check that the contract is complete and signed by all parties, as well as signed in accordance with the delegation order.
- Date of arrival must be when the document was received by LU (alternatively made available in an external system - eg Prisma). If it cannot be determined in retrospect, state what is likely and write in the message field that it is an estimated date.
- Deed status is the format in which the original document is kept as at LU. It is important that this is correct, as the case manager is responsible for the documents being preserved and archived correctly. If a digital document is listed as a paper original, when archiving this can mean that someone will be looking for a document that never existed. Conversely, a paper original designated as digital may accidentally be discarded.
- Don't send "lump files", with all documentation in one file. (It is OK, of course, that the decision and conditions are together, but the application, decision and requisition must be kept in the diary as separate documents.
Contact Awards
Jörgen Persson
jorgen [dot] persson [at] fs [dot] lu [dot] se
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