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Sustainable development in research

Lund University generates scientific knowledge that increases our understanding of problems related to sustainable development and examines potential solutions and the undesirable effects the solutions may cause. Research plays a crucial role in advancing the frontier of knowledge regarding sustainability issues.

Sustainability is important for Lund University

Sustainability should permeate all the work conducted by the University. It is therefore important that researchers are well-versed in the relevance of their research to sustainable development. It is also important that the links to sustainability issues are highlighted for internal and external collaborative partners.


Lund University’s Sustainability Forum

Lund University’s Sustainability Forum
Ekologihuset, Sölvegatan 37
223 62 Lund

contact [at] sustainability [dot] lu [dot] se

Highlight your sustainability research

You as a researchers can tag your profiles, projects and research output based on the Global Goals in LUCRIS and the Research Portal. This will help to highlight the research that relates to the UN’s Global Goals.


How does the SDG tagging in LUCRIS/ the Research Portal work?

Initially, all research outputs were retroactively tagged with the SDGs. Researchers, organizations and projects have been tagged according to the SDGs found on associated research outputs. Some manual cleaning has been done. Since it is an automatic tagging, there are of course records that have or have not received correct tagging. This can be adjusted manually.

After the launch, all new research output entered into LUCRIS will receive, if relevant, an automatically generated tagging to the SDGs. Note that automatic generation can only be done on research output with an English title and abstract.

Other information, such as personal profiles, projects and organizations, is manually entered.

Change the SDGs linked to my research

You as a researcher can change/add the marking of the SDGs in LUCRIS. You can find the SDGs on:

  •     The personal profile
  •     Project
  •     Research output
  •     The organizations' profiles in the Research Portal

Instructions on how to actually add or change a tag to SDGs in LUCRIS and the Research Portal can be found via the link below:

Why do we mark research with UN's Global Goals?

The Lund University Research portal with Sustainable Development Goals on the landing page.


Internal use

The potential to search for sustainable research, including tag-based searches, to promote internal collaborations and the use of local resources and expertise.

External use

The potential for external target groups such as funding bodies, prospective colleagues and students to gain easy access to Lund University’s sustainability research and researchers.

Share your research

The Sustainability Forum receives many requests for public engagement (conversations, discussions, panels) from interested parties throughout society. Are you a researcher who is keen to spread your knowledge? Send an email containing a brief description of your research to Jenny Hansson and we will add you to our list of speakers.

Tips on writing applications

Are you struggling to write an application for a funding announcement concerning sustainable development? The video below gives you 9 tips to assist the writing process.

The UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change and Convention on Biological Diversity

Lund University is an observer organisation for the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD). Contact the Sustainability Forum if you plan to participate in a UN climate change or biodiversity conference or wish to arrange a side event. Contact the Sustainability Forum to register your interest and for more information.


Sustainability Forum

The Sustainability Forum works to promote challenge-driven research on sustainability and provides strategic support in the coordination of sustainability issues at Lund University. Do you have proposals for activities relating to calls for applications, ideas for research engagement or want to spread your knowledge? Don’t hesitate to contact the Sustainability Forum.

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