Ethic review of animal testing
Applications for ethical review concerning animals used in research are processed by the Malmö/Lund Ethics Committee on Animal Testing at the Lund District Court. The committee convenes about once a month and takes decisions on applications that have been received and processed. The processing time for a complete application is a maximum of 40 working days.
In order to apply for ethical approval you must have sufficient training in Laboratory Animal Science (LAS) (at least the course component in Swedish law and ethics).
Read more about Lund University’s courses in Laboratory Animal Science (LAS)
How to apply for approval to use animals in your research
New applications for ethical approval
Through the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s e-service, you can submit new applications and amendments that may have a negative impact on the welfare of the animals. The application is assessed by the Malmö/Lund Ethics Committee on Animal Testing.
Follow the instructions for “försöksledare” (animal testing leader) describing the procedures for ethical approval.
Before submitting your application to the Ethics Committee on Animal Testing, you must go through an application process comprised of the following steps:
- planning and writing the application
- consultation
- processing
- decision
The University complies with the PREPARE guidelines (Planning Research and Experimental Procedures on Animals: Recommendations for Excellence). The application is to be planned and written with the help of a checklist. Include the list in your application to the committee.
The PREPARE checklist for planning and writing an application is available here
During the consultation, you will discuss your planned project with the chief director, the veterinarian and a representative of the animal testing facility in question. After the consultation, you are to submit the application for processing.
At the processing meeting, you will meet certain members of the Ethics Committee on Animal Testing. After processing, you are to submit the application to the Ethics Committee on Animal Testing for a final decision.
Once the committee has approved the application, it is valid for a period of no more than 5 years starting immediately.
Applications for revisions
Depending on what the amendment or addition entails, submit the application either to the Ethics Committee on Animal Testing through the e-service or to the Animal Welfare Committee (NDF) at Lund University.
NDF can approve minor changes related to animal trials, provided that the change does not affect:
- the welfare of the animals in a negative way
- the opportunity to achieve the trial’s purpose or benefit
- the level of difficulty of the trial in a negative way
- the endpoint or discontinuation point
- trial periods
- monitoring of the animals during trials
- housing, care and labelling that require approval from the Ethics Committee on Animal Testing
In addition to the above, NDF also processes applications to change animal testing leader and facility.
Application for revisions to be submitted to the Animal Welfare Committee (Word 97 kB, in Swedish)
Any changes that do not meet the criteria above will be processed by the Ethics Committee on Animal Testing. Submit your application via the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s e-service.
Applications for animal-based research outside Sweden
If you are conducting or participating in animal-based research in countries outside Sweden and if you suspect that the conditions for use of animals differ from EU principles, your participation must be evaluated and approved by the Animal Welfare Committee (NDF). The assessment is based on whether the use of animals, from an ethical point of view, is not more permissive compared to similar experiments conducted in the EU.
If the trial has been approved in another EU country, the approved application shall be sent to NDF for filing.
NB! If the project involves the use of primates, the matter must always be sent to NDF for approval.
Animal Welfare Committee
ndf-ordf [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Director of animal welfare and care
nawo [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Director of information
nio [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Director of education and expertise
ntco [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Veterinarian in charge
univet [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se