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Account description, name and profile picture

To clarify Lund University’s social media presence it is important that LU is clearly indicated in names, images and presentation text.

Page shortcuts:

Profile pictures

As a general rule, the University’s two-line logo, in Swedish or English, is recommended as the profile picture for accounts run by organisations within Lund University. 

The aim of the logotype in the profile picture is to show association with Lund University. The specific part of the organisation represented in the social media account is communicated by the user name, the full name and the cover picture, where applicable. Exceptions to the use of the logotype in the profile picture can be temporary accounts or events which are limited in time and associated with temporary campaigns/messages.

Using Lund University’s sub-logotypes as profile pictures is not recommended, as they become too small and are hard to decipher.

It is not recommended to use only the seal as the profile picture, whether whole or in part. This is because the seal, according to our graphic profile, is to be used as a stamp of quality. Alone on a profile picture, it is unclear that the seal belongs to Lund University.

Research teams

Research teams within Lund University are also recommended to use the main logo as their profile picture. 

Personal account (individual researcher) or collaboration

Individual researchers who are present on social media under their own name but use those channels entirely or partially to communicate their research are not to use the University’s logo. This type of account is regarded as personal, although researchers are welcome to point out links to Lund University in their presentation text. The same applies to all forms of collaboration or projects in which Lund University is not the principal sender. 

Individual researchers with personal accounts who disseminate their research from Lund University are welcome to mention the link to the University in their profile. This creates clarity for the recipient and enhances the credibility of the person who is communicating. 


Adding Lund University or LU to the name shows association, increases searchability and contributes to clarifying Lund University’s presence in social media.

  • In channels with sufficient space, we recommend writing Lunds universitet or Lund University in full after the main name, preceded by a comma – for example on Facebook and LinkedIn. Sample name: “Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University” or “Science at Lund University”.
  • In channels with limited space, create a short username which describes as clearly as possible which part of the University is represented. We recommend that you add LU to both the username and the full name (e.g. on Twitter). Use understroke or hyphen where spaces are not allowed. Sample username: Medfak_LU. Sample full name: Medicine LU.
  • Remember that if you want to reach an international target audience, you must give the account a name that you believe an English speaker would look for in the search engine. In that case, also write your entries in English.

Account description/presentation text/biography  

Different channels have different amounts of space for you to describe the purpose and owner of the account. You should include the following text, as far as possible:

  • What part of Lund University is responsible for the account and what is the purpose of the account?
  • Link to Lund University or the LU organisation’s website
  • Include Lunds universitet or Lund University early in the description 
  • Describe how comments are addressed
  • State that all posts on the page are public documents and may be filed

Individual researchers with personal accounts who disseminate their research from Lund University are welcome to mention the link to the University in their profile. This creates clarity for the recipient and enhances the credibility of the person who is communicating. 

Example of presentation text

The example below was taken from Facebook where there is a lot of space – you will need to adapt the text to the respective channels:
“Lund University’s official Facebook page is a broad channel for those who want to follow what’s happening at the University. The page is managed by the University’s Corporate Communications division and is administered during office hours.

You are welcome to comment on our posts as well as post text and pictures on our page, but please avoid the following: 

  • offensive and/or discriminatory language
  • slander, threats or personal attacks
  • incitement of hatred, harassment or sexual harassment
  • spam and irrelevant advertising
  • offensive personal information
  • illegal material
  • copyrighted material published without permission
  • confidential information

Our editorial staff review all posts and remove materials that do not comply with the guidelines above and/or violate Swedish law.
Lund University is a public authority. Please note that the posts on our site are public documents and may be filed.

If you would like to contact us, you can send a private message here on Facebook. For other contact details, see [link to website].”


Please contact your nearest communications officer to discuss whether and, if so, how you could use social media in your activities.

Contact a communications officer 

For questions regarding the content on these pages, contact: 

Anna Johnsson
Communications officer
Corporate Communications
anna_v [dot] johnsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_v[dot]johnsson[at]kommunikation[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 46 222 70 21

Disposing of information on social media

Information published on social media is considered to be public documents and must therefore be treated in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Guidelines for preservation and disposal of information published on social media (PDF, 2 MB, new tab)