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To support your work at Lund University, as a user you have the option of choosing from different types of computers (so-called “platforms”) with a number of software and information systems.

New workplace computer

In order for your workplace computer to work at Lund University, it will mainly require the following:

  • Hardware,
  • operating system/system software,
  • software and applications for your work,
  • connection to the University’s computer network (called “Lunet”),
  • LU account (your user identity at Lund University, called “Lucat ID”),
  • access to the websites or systems you need to do your work, and
  • access to printing services and printers.

As an employee you can get help with ordering a “packaged” workplace computer, based on agreements Lund University has with suppliers of hardware and software. Packaging generally means that the above listed components are included and were installed in connection with your computer being delivered.

Read more about the IT Service "Computer" on Lund university's IT web (In swedish with Lucat login)

Being part of the LDC’s EGA support system is one way to ensure that your computer has the right “packaging” (in Swedish)

The right for users to use software is governed by licence agreements with program supplier(s). Some software programs are licenced to limited parts of the University whereas other programs include all employees at LU. LDC manages all licences and the distribution of University-wide software on behalf of the University management.

Read more about software on the LDC website (in Swedish)

Purchasing a computer

The IT organisation used at the organisational unit where you work will assist you with purchasing a workplace computer. Purchases are made through procurement agreements with computer suppliers.

Find out more about the different types of workplace computers, software and more, from the University’s IT staff – either locally, if your faculty/department or equivalent has its own IT staff, or centrally via LDC which is the central unit for IT support for the University-wide administration and for some of our faculties/departments.

See answers to many of the frequently asked questions on workplace computers and software:

LU Support – IT support for staff 

IT waste and reuse of IT equipment

The University has an agreement with the company 3stepIT for the reuse and recycling of outdated IT equipment and for the secure handling and erasing of the content of hard disks and other fixed storage media in the equipment. 

Read more about this service that is free of charge:


LU Service Desk
+46 46 222 90 00
servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday, 08:00–17:00