Vision, objectives and strategies
Lund University’s vision is to be a world-class university that works to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition. The objectives and strategies we formulate help us both to fulfil the requirements of the Higher Education Act and to achieve our full potential.
Over the next decade, society will face global challenges within the environment and climate, sustainable development, migration, digitalisation and demographic changes. Lund University needs to meet these challenges but also to find new opportunities to develop its activities.
Platform for strategic work
The platform for strategic work is a complement to the strategic plan and the University’s other strategic work and is to facilitate a faster response to external changes as well as broader engagement. It acts as guidance and inspiration for the entire organisation.
The platform points out four prioritised strategic development areas:
- Strong research today and for the future
- Education in transition
- A creative learning and work environment
- Democracy and global engagement
The three keywords that permeate all the prioritised development areas are: innovative, digital and sustainable.
Platform for strategic work 2023-2024 (PDF 2 MB, new tab)
Platform for strategic work 2025-2027 (PDF 10,7 MB, new tab)
Strategic plan 2017–2026
On assignment from the University Board, a strategic plan has been drawn up in a project led by pro vice-chancellor Bo Ahrén. Around ten reference groups within various parts of the University were involved in the development of the plan, all employees were invited to vice-chancellor’s seminars organised to discuss the plan, and information about the drafting work was shared in various contexts within University activities.
The strategic plan for 2017–2026 applies to the whole of Lund University and has been approved by the University Board.
2017–2026 Strategic plan for Lund University (PDF 515 kB, new tab)
Prioritised areas
Lund University’s vision is to be a world-class university that works to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition. The strategic plan highlights six important development areas to live up to this vision:
- Education and research are to be intertwined
- Active external engagement is to be stimulated to solve societal challenges
- Development as an international university is to continue
- Well-developed leadership and collegiality are success factors
- Students, employees and visitors are to be offered attractive environments
- The potential of MAX IV and ESS is to be fully exploited
Read more about the visions, objectives and strategies within each prioritised area in the strategic plan, see link above.
Erika Söderstjerna
Policy officer
+46 46 222 92 58
erika [dot] soderstjerna [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (erika[dot]soderstjerna[at]rektor[dot]lu[dot]se)