Lund University has extensive cooperation with Asia in the form of collaboration platforms, networks and ongoing projects. These contribute to raising Lund University's profile in the region and ensuring long-term sustainability in our collaboration with Asian universities.
Global Dynamic Engagement (GDE) is an approach on which Lund University bases its work to strengthen and further develop its international impact regarding research, education and innovation. Democracy, academic freedom and taking responsibility are the cornerstones of this work.
GDE for Asia
In the roadmap for Asia for 2025, prioritised activities are presented for the university-wide work during the year but does not exclude other issues that may become relevant for prioritisation. This is in accordance with the method used for the platform for strategic work, which Lund University is working to regarding 2025–2027.
- Continuing to strengthen cooperation within research, education, innovation and external engagement in Global Hub South Korea, with a focus on the Sweden-Korea Education, Research and Innovation Collaboration (SKERIC) project and bilateral initiatives, including those linked to the European Chips Act, with South Korea and also with Japan and Taiwan.
- Strengthening cooperation in research, education, innovation and engagement in Global Hub Singapore.
- Exploring the possibilities for developing the Global Hub initiatives with Hong Kong and Mumbai.
- Evaluating Lund University’s membership in the Nordic Centre in India and signing a collaboration agreement with the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
Read more about support and tools for responsible engagement
Read more about support and tools for sustainable engagement
Nordic Centre in India
The Nordic Centre in India (NCI) is a consortium of Nordic universities, aiming to promote research and education collaboration between the Nordic countries and India. The NCI is administered by a Nordic secretariat, currently at Tampere University, and has a liaison office/manager’s residence in New Delhi.
The NCI offers support to researchers, teachers, students and visiting Nordic groups by:
- Organising meetings, lectures, seminars and conferences
- Applying for research visas
- Establishing contacts with Indian universities and authorities
- Offering accommodation free of charge for researchers and other NCI member university staff at the NCI residence in New Delhi
- Finding appropriate host organisations in India for students conducting Minor Field Studies
- Announcing Travel Grants and Academic Activity Grants
The NCI also offers summer and semester courses and internships for students at NCI partner universities in India. For more information and to apply, see contact information in the right-hand column.
Nordic Centre at Fudan University in Shanghai
A collaboration between 27 Nordic universities, aimed to increase understanding and create a closer bond between the Nordic countries and China through collaborative research projects and education.
The following main activities are conducted at the Nordic Centre:
- Teaching for Chinese students about the Nordic countries
- Teaching for Nordic students about China
- Collaboration with Nordic businesses in Shanghai and China supported by the Nordic embassies and consulates.
For researchers – opportunities at Nordic Centre Fudan (PDF, 468 kB, new tab)
Read more about the Nordic Centre at Fudan University
David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies in Hong Kong – LEWI
LEWI is an international research institute located in Hong Kong, with members from and operations in several continents. Lund University has its own office in Hong Kong, which primarily is available to our researchers and teaching staff. LEWI offers a Resident Graduate Scholarship Programme.
SASNET – Swedish South Asian Studies Network
SASNET is a Swedish network, based out of Lund University, for research and education in South Asia. The network encourages boundary-crossing and cross-faculty collaboration between higher education institutions in the Nordic countries and South Asia.
Sweden-Korea Education, Research and Innovation Collaboration (SKERIC) is a collaborative project during 2024 – 2026 between Lund University (coordinator), Gothenburg University, KTH, Umeå University, Uppsala University, Korea University, POSTECH and Seoul National University.
It is primarily a research and innovation promoting collaboration that also aims to prepare for South Korea's entry into Horizon Europe. Three activities run throughout the project period – Future Laureates Societal Challenges Programme, Science Diplomacy Academy and Research-based Start-ups/Spin-offs Forum.
The project is aimed at the following target groups:
- Young/emerging researchers
- Future Laureates Societal Challenges Programme
- Future Laureates Mentorship
- Seed funding for projects
- Long-term mobility of young researchers
- Future academic leaders
- Science Diplomacy Academy
- Representatives of research-based start-ups and university spin-offs
- Research-based Start-ups/Spin-offs Forum
Henrik Hofvendahl
International coordinator
+46 46 222 30 15
henrik [dot] hofvendahl [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se
Global Dynamic Engagement 2025
GDE Fact Sheet
The purpose, the process and the roadmap