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Waste, hazardous waste and recycling

On this page you can learn about the management of waste and hazardous waste. Waste must be handled in ways that protect health and the environment, so that recycling is promoted and so the risk of injury does not arise.

Content on this page:

Waste management handbook

The University’s waste management handbook provides information and instructions on how to handle various types of waste:

Lund University Waste Management Handbook (PDF 1,5 MB, new tab)

Remember that the instructions in the waste management handbook may need to be complemented with local information, e.g. where different types of waste are to be sorted at your workplace, where to find packaging materials for hazardous waste, the location of rooms for waste sorting or hazardous waste, who is responsible for waste management at your workplace, etc.

The section on radioactive waste no longer applies and is instead included in the management system for radiation safety work, see the heading Radioactive waste.

Household waste

Collection of household waste is often included in the rent and therefore there is no University-wide agreement for the collection of household waste. Household waste is the responsibility of the municipal waste management services.

Please contact your cleaner, caretaker or building supervisor if you have any questions relating to matters such as:

  • the collection of household waste
  • how often collection is required
  • waste receptacles and other containers

They will then contact the landlord.

Household waste usually refers to food waste, residual waste (combustible), glass, metal, plastic and paper (cardboard) packaging. Container rental is included in the contract.

Scheduled collection of paper and cardboard in Lund

The cardboard and paper receptacles are emptied either every week or every other week, depending on the schedule that applies for your specific workplace in Lund.

  • The cardboard receptacles are emptied on Wednesdays.
  • The waste paper receptacles are emptied on Thursdays.

For winter 2024 and during 2025, the following deviations from the ordinary schedule apply:

  • Christmas Day 25 December: collection of cardboard pushed back to 2 January
  • Boxing Day 26 December: collection of paper pushed back to 2 January
  • New Year's Day 1 January: collection of cardboard pushed back to 2 January
  • May Day: collection of paper brought forward to 30 April
  • Ascension Day 29 May: collection of paper brought forward to 28 May
  • Christmas Eve 2026: collection of cardboard pushed back to 7 January
  • Christmas Day 2026: collection of paper pushed back to 8 January
  • New Year's Eve 2026: collection of cardboard pushed back to 7 January
  • New Year's Day 2026: collection of paper pushed back to 8 January

The receptacle should be placed out by 9:00 on the same day at the latest. The receptacle should not be left out overnight due to the risk of fire or burglary.

Contact your caretaker or equivalent to find out how often collections are made at your workplace or if you have any other questions about waste management.

If your work tasks include waste management, contact Ragn-Sells directly or send an email to avfall [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se.

Contact Ragn-Sells’s customer service directly to report any faults.

  • telephone +46 771 88 88 88
  • email kundservice [at] ragnsells [dot] com

Use Ragn-Sells’s customer portal to check the schedule etc. If you want to obtain log-in details to the customer portal, contact avfall [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se.

The scheduled collection of paper and cardboard in Lund is paid for jointly by the University. You typically own your own paper and cardboard receptacles, and these receptacles are not included in the price for collection.

Scheduled collection of bulky waste, electronics waste, etc. in Lund

Collections are made every four weeks unless agreed otherwise. Following the pandemic, collections every eighth week still apply at several addresses. If you wish to adjust the collection interval please contact avfall [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se.

Mondays: electronics, batteries, strip lighting/low-energy bulbs/bulbs, refrigeration appliances, white goods, scrap metal, LPDE film, toner/ink cartridges, treated wood waste.

Fridays: mixed waste (loose), for example worn furniture, loading pallets and other bulky waste normally produced from ongoing activities.

For winter 2024 and during 2025, the following deviations from the ordinary schedule apply:

Electronics, lighting etc.:

  • "Squeeze day" 23 December: collection pushed back to 13 January
  • "Squeeze day" 30 December: collection pushed back to 13 January
  • Epiphany 6 January: collection pushed back to 13 January
  •  Easter Monday 21 April: collection pushed back to 28 April
  • Twelfth Night 2026: collection pushed back to 12 January

Please note that electronics should be disposed of primarily for reuse and secondarily for recycling. Read more about reusing IT equipment below

Mixed loose waste:

  • "Squeeze day" 27 December: collection pushed back to 3 January
  • Good Friday 18 April: collection pushed back to 25 April
  • "Squeeze day" 30 May: collection pushed back to 13 june
  • Sweden's National Day 6 June: collection pushed back to 13 June
  • Midsummer eve 20 June: collection pushed back to 27 June
  • Boxing Day 2026: collection pushed back to 9 January
  • "Squeeze day" 2 January 2026: collection pushed back to 9 January

Please avoid storing anything other than waste in the waste room/collection point, but if you must, clearly mark everything that is not to be collected.

Contact your caretaker or equivalent to find out when your next waste collection will take place or if you have any other questions about waste management.

If your work tasks include waste management, contact Ragn-Sells directly or send an email to avfall [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se.

Contact Ragn-Sells’s customer service directly to report any faults.

  • telephone +46 771 88 88 88
  • email kundservice [at] ragnsells [dot] com

Use Ragn-Sells’s customer portal to check the schedule etc. If you want to obtain log-in details to the customer portal, contact avfall [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se.

The scheduled collection of bulky waste, electronics etc. in Lund is paid for jointly by the University. Receptacles and containers are included.

This applies to scheduled collections that include the kind of waste that is normally produced in day-to-day activities. In connection with removals, deep cleaning, re-modelling or similar, which generate greater volumes of waste, you are to order an extra collection in addition to the scheduled one.

Notify Ragn-Sells in advance of scheduled hazardous waste collection in Lund

Inform Ragn-Sells customer service at least five working days in advance, if your organisation has loose hazardous waste that is to be collected with the scheduled collection.

Hazardous waste that you need to report five (5) working days ahead of the scheduled collection time:

  • Refrigerators
  • Freezers
  • Stoves
  • Air conditioning equipment
  • Heat exchangers
  • Other equipment with refrigeration elements
  • Other large electrical equipment (that does not fit in the electronics cage)

State an estimated/approximate weight and size, feel free to attach a photograph.

  • Telephone +46 771 88 88 88
  • Email kundservice [at] ragnsells [dot] com

Please note that refrigerators and freezers from laboratory environments are to be free of contamination from chemicals etc.

Please contact Ragn-Sell’s customer service:

if you need to order:

  • an extra pickup in addition to those on the timetable for paper, cardboard and bulky waste
  • permanent skips for organisational waste and emptying of skips
  • temporary skip service in connection with moving or cleaning
  • locked container for confidential documents and emptying/changing containers as well as certificates of disposal
  • receptacles for books and the disposal of books.

Your workplace is responsible for these costs.

IT waste and reuse of IT equipment

The University has an agreement with the company 3stepIT for the reuse and recycling of outdated IT equipment and for the secure handling and erasing of the content of hard disks and other fixed storage media in the equipment. This is done free of charge. The reuse service provided by 3stepIT entails that the equipment will be used again outside the University or is scrapped in an environmentally sound way. 

IT equipment refers, for example, to computers, screens, mice, keyboards, tablets, mobile phones, projectors, printers and copiers. The agreement also covers non-functioning IT equipment, as 3stepIT also repairs equipment to the extent possible. The agreement does not cover white goods, research equipment or products where disassembly and disposal, including reuse or recycling of the product, is part of the original seller’s obligations.

Contact 3stepIT to gain access to their customer portal. There, you can order cabinets for the collection of equipment and for these to be picked up when it suits you. This is done free of charge. 

See the instructions for becoming a user in 3stepIT’s customer portal and how to order in Lupin (Proceedo) 

More information about the agreement can also be found in Lupin (Proceedo). 

You can also hand in unusable IT equipment in the electronic waste category to Ragn-Sells, provided that the unit does not contain sensitive information. 

Regarding obsolete large printers/copiers, LU has the option in accordance with the current agreement with Canon to get help with the handling of old equipment free of charge in connection with the purchase of new equipment. More information about this agreement is available in Lupin (Proceedo).

Reuse of furniture - circular furniture flows

The University has produced a guide for the procurement of new furniture and the circular furniture flow. The guide also includes an appendix with examples of furniture reuse within the university, for inspiration.

The guide covers:

  • principles for purchasing new and second-hand furniture
  • renovating furniture, such as washing, reupholstering and repainting
  • disposal - selling, donating or recycling furniture
  • buying or renting second-hand furniture
  • buying newly manufactured furniture.

The guide is only available in Swedish:

Circular furniture flows and purchasing new furniture, in Swedish (pdf 746 kB - new tab)

Waste sorting units

If your organisation needs waste sorting units, you must turn to our procured furniture suppliers. Consult your cleaner before ordering furniture. If you have any questions, please contact environmental coordinator Maria Nilsson.

Waste sorting decals

The University has waste sorting decals with which to label furniture and containers. Order them from Media-Tryck: media-tryck [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se or +46 46 222 91 76. All decals are available in three versions, each of which exists in three sizes. See what they look like in the PDF below.

Decals for waste sorting (PDF 153 kB, new tab)

So far, there are decals for the most common types of waste that are generated in lunch rooms, kitchenettes, cafés and foyers.

Chemical and low-level radioactive waste

Chemical and low-level radioactive waste is collected by Sysav. Order pick-up using Sysav’s order forms accessed via the link below:

Link to Sysav’s order forms for pick-up of chemical and low-level radioactive waste

A box or other approved packaging containing chemical waste is to be marked using a label that describes the contents and who is handing in the waste.

Label for chemical waste (PNG 11 kB, new tab)

The packed low-level radioactive waste is to be marked by attaching to the box a copy of the order form, which is to clearly state the activity and the nuclide.

Ensure that staff are available who can assist Sysav when waste is handed in, even if Sysav can sign the transport document and pick up the waste anyway.

The created transport document is sent to the designated coordinator at your faculty or equivalent. The transport document is to be saved for three years to satisfy the obligation to keep records in accordance with the Waste Ordinance.

If you have any questions about collection or packing, please contact Alma Ceric, chemist at Sysav Industri.

Sysav Industri AB
Alma Ceric
+46 40 635 21 83
alma [dot] ceric [at] sysav [dot] se

Sharp/pointed infectious waste and biological waste

Order removal by contacting Sysav:

  • email OrderTotal [at] sysav [dot] se
  • telephone +46 40-635 18 80

When disposing of infectious waste, please complete an item declaration form:

Item declaration form for infectious waste, in Swedish (PDF 151 kB, new tab)

Radioactive waste

The procedure for managing radioactive waste can be found in the management system for radiation safety work. The management system is available in Swedish only.

Go to LU BOX and the management system for radiation safety work (in Swedish) - login with Lucat ID

Please contact the radiation safety expert if you have any questions concerning radioactive waste:

Hanna Holstein
Radiation safety physicist
+46 46 222 01 93
hanna [dot] holstein [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se

Dangerous goods and safety advisor for the transport of dangerous goods

There are many rules to follow with regard to the transport of dangerous goods, and they cover dispatch, reception and actual transport. In our internal regulations, you will find the conditions and measures for dispatching and receiving dangerous goods, as well as our own transport of dangerous goods by road and off-highway. The rules are also available in a somewhat abridged version in an information folder.

Quick facts – dangerous goods, information folder, in Swedish (PDF 924 kB, new tab)

Lund University’s regulations for dangerous goods, in Swedish (PDF 1.5 MB, new tab)

You should also discuss with your manager what training courses you need to attend if you handle dangerous goods.

Find training courses on DGR (air) and ADR (road) in the course directory on the Professional Development Portal

The rules do not apply only when you want to dispose of hazardous waste; they also apply when sending samples, for example.

Your organisational unit can order the packing of hazardous goods from the contracted supplier of freight services. The first time you order packing services for hazardous goods, an assignment confirmation is to be signed by your organisational unit and the supplier. The assignment confirmation template can be found under agreement information in Lupin.

You are always welcome to contact the University’s safety advisor when sending, transporting or receiving something you know, or believe, is classed as dangerous goods, to ensure compliance with all applicable rules. SYSAV is engaged as the University’s safety advisor for transport of dangerous goods by road, air, rail and sea.

Safety advisor for the transport of dangerous goods by road, air, rail and sea
Per Malmquist, chemist, Sysav Industri AB
per [dot] malmquist [at] sysav [dot] se
+46 40 635 19 02

Safety advisor for the transport of dangerous goods by road and air
Linus Jeppsson, operations manager CRC
linus [dot] jeppsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
+46 40 39 10 01

Contact Waste and recycling

Primary contact persons

  • your caretaker’s office
  • your cleaning service
  • your building supervisor

when you have questions concerning waste management in your workplace.

For matters concerning University-wide waste management, please contact:

Claes Nilén (hazardous waste)
Environmental manager
+46 46 222 41 59

Maria Nilsson
Environmental coordinator
+46 46 222 70 82

avfall [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se