Sustainable at work
The University’s sustainability work
Lund University is among the highest ranked universities worldwide when it comes to sustainability. Read more about how the University works with sustainability in research, education and external engagement.
Help make Lund University more sustainable
You are welcome to share your ideas and suggestions for improvement for a sustainable University.
See strategies and action plans
The University is actively working to integrate sustainable development into all its activities. Find out more about the University's sustainability policies, strategies and plans.
Travel and meetings
Choose the train for business travel in Europe
Whenever possible, choose rail rather than air for business travel within Europe. All train journeys abroad must be booked through the Danish travel agency Togrejse. They specialise in international rail travel.
Getting to work sustainably
The University works to promote sustainable travel to and from work and studies. Our ambition is to increase the share of cycling and public transport journeys to reduce our carbon footprint and to promote health and a greener urban environment.
Hold the meeting digitally instead
Lund University provides a range of tools to facilitate digital meetings.
Sustainable Travel Stories
Read travel stories from LU staff who have chosen the train for their business trips or found other ways to participate without travelling.
Purchasing and procurement
Reuse of IT equipment
Recycle your computer, mobile phone or other IT equipment free of charge. The University has a contract with a company for the recycling and reuse of IT equipment.
Reuse of furniture
By selling the furniture you no longer need and reusing existing furniture, you save both money and the environment. Read more in the guidance on a circular economy for furniture and purchasing new furniture.
Sustainable food and drink purchasing for events
Find out more about how you can purchase sustainable meals and snacks for meetings and conferences. Restaurants and cafés on campus are encouraged to offer sustainable meals.
Buy goods and services sustainably
Our purchases account for a large part of our climate impact. When you follow the University's agreements, you contribute to more sustainable purchasing.
Save, sort and report
Sorting and managing waste
Waste must be managed in a healthy and environmentally acceptable manner. All waste should be minimised or recycled so that people and the environment are not put at risk.
Reporting environmental incidents
Things do not always go as planned in our operations and we need to learn from our mistakes. Environmental incidents are to be reported for this reason. Read more about what can be an environmental incident and how to report it.
Save energy
The University is working to reduce energy usage and make it as efficient as possible. Read more about how small changes you can make as an employee help to avoid energy waste.
Sustainable work environment
Your work environment and health
Your health is important. As an employee you are entitled to a health promotion hour, glasses for computer work and reimbursement for health promotion, healthcare and medication costs etc. Also read about how to report incidents, occupational injuries or victimisation as well as the support that is available if you become ill.
Gender equality and equal opportunities
Read more about the University's systematic work to prevent discrimination.
Your health
Find out more about the University's wellness programmes, reimbursement of medical expenses and medicines, adaptation and rehabilitation in case of injury or illness, support in the event of alcohol and drug-related problems, and more.
News on sustainability
The University ranked third in the world in QS Sustainability Ranking
From the Land of Happiness to learning in Lund
Sustainability Fund's Sustainable Idea Exploration call opens January 15
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