This page provides information on benefits for employees at Lund University.
On this page, you can find out more about your benefits:
- Annual leave
- Adjustment agreement
- Compensation for parental leave
- Health promotion reimbursement and health promotion hour
- Illness/sickness benefit
- Insurance
- Occupational injuries
- Paid authorised leave
- Pensions
- Priority entitlement to a greater degree of employment
- Priority entitlement to re-employment
- Reimbursement of healthcare and medication costs
- Salary exchange (exchange salary for a pension provision)
- The Job Transition Agreement
As a public sector employee, you are entitled to a range of benefits. The collective agreement for government employees entitles you to more annual leave days than the legal requirement, extra compensation in the event of illness and parental leave, a generous job transition agreement, reimbursement for certain healthcare and medication costs and generous conditions for leave.
In addition, the University offers a health promotion benefit and a paid health promotion hour.
Annual leave
Besides the benefits set out in the law on annual leave, University employees have additional days of annual leave. They have a total of between 28 and 35 days, depending on age.
Adjustment agreement
Employment can be terminated for various reasons. If you lose your job because the organisation is making cutbacks, the adjustment agreement for public sector employees applies. In certain cases, you are entitled to support and help if your fixed-term employment ends.
Read more about the adjustment agreement on the page about benefits
Compensation for parental leave
As a government employee, you may receive additional compensation from the public authority – the parental benefit supplement – when you receive parental benefit.
When you need to take leave in order to care for a sick child, if your income is above Försäkringskassan’s ceiling, the University will pay a supplement for the income above the ceiling for ten days a year.
Read more about parental leave, parental allowance and caring for sick child
Health promotion and health promotion hour
Lund University reimburses the cost of health promotion, such as a gym membership, up to a certain amount. The benefit is offered to all employees, including fixed-term employees and substitutes. The University’s hope is that this will
- lead to increased well-being at work,
- create a pleasant workplace with a good sense of community,
- reduce absence due to illness, and
- prevent and minimise occupational injuries.
Read more about health promotion reimbursement and how to apply for it
You are also entitled to a health promotion hour, which entails a maximum of 60 minutes of health promoting activity per week in the case of full-time employment.
Read more about the health promotion hour and how to report it
Illness/sickness benefit
If you are on sick leave for a long period, as a public sector employee you can receive a complementary allowance over and above your sickness benefit. The public authority tops up the sickness benefit from the Social Insurance Office from day 15 to day 365 up to approximately 90 per cent of your income.
Read more about sick pay, standard deduction for sick days and sickness benefit
You can also receive some reimbursement in connection with illness for things like
- visits to the doctor
- visits to a physiotherapist
- if you are admitted to hospital
You can also be reimbursed for some medicines covered by maximum cost protection.
Read more about the reimbursements to which you may be entitled in connection with illness
As a public sector employee, you are covered by occupational injury insurance and group life insurance. If you travel on university business you are also covered by business travel insurance. If you are posted abroad with a URA contract, you are covered by a special insurance policy for stays abroad (URA insurance).
Read more about insurance for employees at Lund University
Occupational injuries
As a public sector employee, you may be entitled to compensation from the Social Insurance Office if you injure yourself on the way to or from work, or during working hours.
Public sector employees also have complementary compensation through the Agreement on Compensation for Personal Injury, PSA, via AFA Insurance. This can apply to loss of income, pain and suffering, healthcare costs, invalidity and death.
Read more about occupational injury insurance
Paid authorised leave
As a government employee, you can in certain circumstances be granted paid authorised leave. It may be the case, for example, that you need to make a doctor’s appointment that cannot be arranged outside working hours or attend a close relative’s funeral and estate inventory. Remember to check with your manager when you need to take leave.
Read more about the rules applying to authorised leave
Your employer pays contributions towards your government occupational pension (occupational pension agreement PA 03). The government occupational pension consists of three parts:
- Defined benefit pension.
- Supplementary retirement pension (Kåpan Tjänste), and
- individual retirement pension.
Read about the rules governing pensions
Priority entitlement to a greater degree of employment
Pursuant to Section 25a of the Swedish Employment Protection Act (LAS), a part-time employee may be entitled to a greater degree of employment.
Pursuant to Section 25a of the Swedish Employment Protection Act (LAS), a part-time employee may have priority entitlement to a greater degree of employment. The conditions for this priority entitlement are that:
- the employer’s need for additional workforce is met by the employee being assigned a greater degree of employment
- the part-time employee has sufficient qualifications for the new work duties
- the part-time employee has registered a wish to increase their degree of employment
If you want to register your wish to increase your degree of employment, go to:
Registration of priority entitlement to a greater degree of employment (Varbi)
Once you've logged in to the system (Varbi), you can change the language to English.
Priority entitlement to re-employment
If you been made redundant or held fixed-term employment in accordance with Section 5 of the Employment Protection Act, LAS, (substitute and general fixed-term employment) which has ended, you have a priority entitlement to re-employment in some circumstances. In that case, you will have received information in a written notification from your employer.
If you been made redundant or held fixed-term employment in accordance with Section 5 of the Employment Protection Act, LAS, (substitute and general fixed-term employment) which has ended, you have a priority entitlement to re-employment in some circumstances. In that case, you will have received information in a written notification from your employer.
The priority entitlement to re-employment depends on a few requirements being met. The first is the qualifying period outlined below. You must also make a formal request for re-employment, and possess sufficient qualifications for the new position.
Qualifying period for priority entitlement to re-employment
The qualifying period for the general priority entitlement to re-employment is that you have
- a combined total of more than 12 months’ employment over the past three years.
Special fixed-term employment (Swedish acronym SÄVA)
If you are employed in accordance with Section 5.1 of the Employment Protection Act, LAS, (special fixed-term employment, Specific fixed-term employment, SÄVA) you are entitled to a new SÄVA if you have
- a combined total of more than 9 months’ SÄVA employment over the past three years.
Seasonal work
If you are employed in accordance with Section 5.3 of the Employment Protection Act, LAS, (seasonal work) you are entitled to a new seasonal employment if you have
- a combined total of more than six months’ seasonal employment over the past two years.
Applicants for job vacancies at Lund University
If you choose to claim priority entitlement to re-employment, you will be considered an applicant for the vacant positions that match the details of your report.
Objective grounds carry more weight than priority entitlement to re-employment
Please note that the constitutional requirement for a factual basis (merit and skills) for the appointment of government employees takes precedence over the priority entitlement to re-employment.
This means that if another applicant is more qualified (in terms of merit and skills) this candidate can be employed ahead of you even if you have the priority entitlement to re-employment. In such situations, the employer negotiates with the relevant employee organisation before a decision is made on the issue.
Information about job vacancies is available here: Vacancies | Lund University
Priority entitlement to re-employment applies from the point that redundancy or notification was issued according to Section 15, Paragraph 1 (LAS), until nine months have passed from the date on which your employment ended.
Claim priority entitlement to re-employment
If you wish to claim priority entitlement to re-employment, you do so digitally in the Varbi system, through the links below.
Special fixed-term employment (Swedish acronym SÄVA) for more than nine months
If you have held special fixed-term employment (Swedish acronym SÄVA) for more than nine months, and wish to claim priority entitlement to re-employment, you do so via the link below.
Employed for more than twelve months in the past three years
If you have been employed for more than twelve months in the past three years and the most recent employment was permanent employment or fixed-term employment in accordance with Section 5 of LAS (substitute, SÄVA or student workers) and wish to claim the priority entitlement to re-employment, you do so via the link below.
A combined total of more than six months’ seasonal employment over the past two years.
If you have held a combined total of more than six months’ seasonal employment over the past two years and wish to claim priority entitlement to re-employment, you do so via the link below.
Revoke claim to priority entitlement to re-employment
If you wish to revoke your claim to priority entitlement to re-employment, use this form
Reimbursement of healthcare and medication costs
You are entitled to reimbursement for certain healthcare and medication costs. A condition for the reimbursement of healthcare and medication costs is that the costs are registered in the high-cost database and with a high-cost card, which occurs automatically if you are registered.
Read more about reimbursement of healthcare and medication costs
Salary exchange (exchange salary for a pension provision)
In accordance with the central collective agreements, public authority employees have the option to exchange their salary (salary exchange) for a payment by the employer of an agreed amount into an occupational pension. The salary exchange option extends to employees who are members of Saco-S or OFR/S as well as unaffiliated employees.
Read more about salary exchange
The Job Transition Agreement
The Job Transition Agreement is a benefit for employees who are made redundant after being employed for at least 12 months at the same public authority.
It also applies in certain cases to people whose fixed-term employment comes to an end.
You must have been employed for two years in a row to take advantage of certain benefits. The support increases after a minimum of three years’ continuous employment, and further again if you have been employed for six years over a seven-year period.
The Job Security Foundation can help with support and advice as well as financial compensation in certain cases, among other things. Employees with indefinite-term employment also have longer notice periods.
Read more about the Job Transition Agreement on the website of the Swedish Agency for Government Employers, in Swedish
Contact your closest HR officer if you want to know more about the Job Transition Adjustment Agreement.
If you cannot find what you are looking for on this webpage, you can ask the HR Division a question via the case management system, which is reached via the page Find the right HR information and support on the HR website.
Contact your line manager or the HR officer at your organisational unit if you have any questions concerning employment or your organisational unit’s procedures for HR/staff matters.
Rules and dates to keep in mind
- Reimbursement for medication costs: You can only apply once per year, no later than 31 January the following year.
- Reimbursement for healthcare: You can apply several times a year, no later than two years after the purchase
- Health promotion benefit: You can apply several times a year, preferably as soon as you have reached the maximum amount available for reimbursement (1870 SEK) and no later than 30 November. Please note: Primula will be closed from 29 November to 2 December 2024. Therefore, the deadline for applying for reimbursement for health promotion is extended to 3 December.
Free admission
As a Lund University employee you have free admission to
Bring your LU-card.
Glasses for computer work
If you work at a computer screen, you may need an eye test to find out if you need special glasses for working at a computer screen (terminal glasses).