Purchasing and procurement
Purchase of the goods and services needed to manage the business of Lund University shall be performed in a legally, commercial and efficient way. All the university´s needs and goals must be considered in the purchasing process and the purchases shall be performed with respect to the right quality, total cost and other conditions that are the most advantageous in the long run.
Purchasing and Procurement office
The Purchasing and Procurement department supports the university´s functions in the whole purchasing process from need to payment, i.e.:
- consulting
- procurement pursuant to the Swedish Public Procurement Acts
- legal processes connected to procurement and agreements
- contract management
- call-off from framework agreements
- e-orders/e-commerce
- purchase analysis
The department is responsible for procurements and call-off orders over the threshold of SEK 1 546 202 kronor.
Institutions and sections are responsible for procurement activities under the threshold value, such as procurement below threshold with notice obligation, direct award of contract and call-off orders from framework agreements.
The Purchasing and Procurement department carries out procurement and renewed competition in the range of SEK 700 000 to SEK 1 546 202 for MAX IV. Other functions can purchase the assignment as a paid service from the Purchasing and Procurement department.
Use existing agreement
The first thing you should do is to check whether an agreement already exists. To do this, use our purchasing tool Lupin. Make purchases by placing call-off orders from an existing agreement.
Go directly to Lupin to see whether an agreement exists (in Swedish)
It is important that you consider that there are different types of contracts and that these are used in various ways.
Read more about how to make purchasing
If there is an existing agreement and you need to do a call-off order from an existing agreement over the threshold of SEK 1 546 202 you shall submit a procurement request to the Purchasing and Procurement office. A procurement officer will then assist you with the procurement process.
You find the procurement request form on this page
Calculate the contract value
If no agreement exists, it is the total cost of your purchase that will determine how you should proceed. There are several things to consider when calculating the contract value. For instance, the total cost is the determining factor, and you need to factor in the entire contract period.
Read more about how to calculate the contract value
Direct award of contract
When you are about to purchase goods or services for which the contract value is below the threshold of SEK 700 000, and no contract currently exists, you shall make a direct award of contract.
Read more about direct award of contract
Procurement below threshold with notice obligation
When you are about to purchase goods or services for which the contract value is between SEK 700 000 and SEK 1 546 202 and no agreements currently exists, you shall do a procurement below threshold with notice obligation.
Read more about procurement below threshold with notice obligation
Contact Purchasing and Procurement office
When you are about to purchase goods or services for which the contract value exceeds the threshold of SEK 1 546 202, and no contract currently exists, you shall submit a procurement request to the Purchasing and Procurement office. A procurement officer will then assist you with the procurement process. The same applies you need to do a call-off order from an existing agreement over the threshold value.
Read more about procurement over threshold with notice obligation
Purchasing and Procurement
Sandgatan 5
223 50 Lund
Hämtställe: 31
Please contact us via our support form
Here you will find contact information for staff at the Purchasing and Procurement office