Press and news
If you need help getting a good piece of news out to the media, you can contact the press officers at the faculties or Corporate Communications’ Media and Branding office, one of whose tasks is to communicate research and other University news to the media.
Press support at the University
For press support, please contact the press officers at your faculty:
Press office and faculty press contacts on
If you are not employed by a faculty or if you have general questions about press, news and external content, please contact the press and channel managers at Corporate Communications:
nyhetsredaktion [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se
Tips concerning contacts with the media
Researchers and other staff at Lund University are often contacted by the media. There are a few things to consider when being interviewed to ensure the best possible outcome.
Advice and tips concerning contacts with the media
Principles for research communication
As a researcher or communications officer, when you are to convey information about research via the media, social media, events or in other public contexts, you should strive to observe the University’s seven principles for good public research communication.
Principles for research communication
The Conversation
Lund University is a member of the UK news site The Conversation, which gives international exposure to research. Here, as a researchers you can write about current social issues and new research. The articles can be republished for free by other media and reach out globally.
Learn more about The Conversation
Media training
Media training is offered from time to time at several faculties. For more information, please contact the press manager at your faculty.
Writing tips
Other ways to communicate your research
The calendar on
Are you running an event or some other activity which you wish to market, but which is not suitable for a press release? All employees can enter events in the University’s shared calendar, which is visible on the start page of All events organised in the name of Lund University which are open to the general public can be entered in the calendar.
How to add an event to the calendar
Digital newsletters
At present, there is no procured tool for newsletters and therefore the direct award procedure applies. A university-wide tool will be procured in 2025.
Tips on formulating, structuring and working with newsletters:
Checklist for writing newsletters
If you collect contact information to people outside the University to send newsletters, you must obtain consent from the recipient.
Personal data processing and sending out newsletters
Other research communication
Communicate your research to wider society
Business intelligence support
Do you want to monitor how Lund University is mentioned in traditional media and/or social media? Then you can subscribe free of charge to coverage from Retriever. You can choose between different monitoring areas, day and time for your email delivery.
Subscribe to Lund University's existing profiles in Retriever
Are you a communications officer and want to use Retriever to search traditional media (in print and digital format, including broadcast media) and social media? Then you can get a login to Retriever. Contact Corporate Communications via nyhetsredaktion [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se
Media and reputation analysis
The University has a framework agreement with Verian for services in media and reputation analysis. Through the framework agreement, Verian is directly engaged without the need for any competitive procurement process. The agreement also means that all organisations within LU must engage Verian if the service they wish to purchase falls within the agreement. In other cases, direct procurement applies:
The agreement covers the implementation of media and reputation analyses including reports, conclusions and recommendations. Media and reputation analyses are understood as broad analyses regarding the general public.
Please contact kristina [dot] lindgarde [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se for more information on the agreement, or Verian directly: martin [dot] ahlqvist [at] veriangroup [dot] com (martin[dot]ahlqvist[at]veriangroup[dot]com), +46 709 732 520.
The agreement does not cover media monitoring as Lund University has a separate agreement concerning this service with Retriever Sverige AB.
For press support, please contact the press officers at your faculty:
Press office and faculty press contacts on
For general questions about press, news and external content, please contact the press and channel managers at Corporate Communications:
nyhetsredaktion [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se
Communicate your research
Read about how to communicate your research to wider society.