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Erasmus+ collaborative programmes

Funding partnerships

Erasmus+ is the EU programme for collaboration within higher education for the period 2021-2027. 

The general objective of the Programme is to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in education and training in Europe and beyond, thereby contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, to driving innovation, and to strengthening European identity and active citizenship. As such, the Programme shall be a key instrument for building a European Education Area.

The programme offers opportunities for international exchange and strategic collaboration project as well as funding for policy reforms. Priorities during the coming years are given to:

  • Inclusion and Diversity
  • Digital Transformation
  • Environment and fight against climate change
  • Participation in democratic life

Read more about Erasmus+ on the European Commission website

The basic rule is that the head of department, at the department concerned, signs letters of intent in the application phase. The Vice-Chancellor signs university-wide applications and applications that have participation from several departments/ faculties at Lund University and Joint Programmes leading to a Joint Degree. For applications that are signed by the Vice-Chancellor, the researcher in charge must submit a project certificate signed by her/himself, the head of department and dean to the responsible programme officer at External Relations no later than 10 days before the application deadline.

External Relations provide support and advice in the process, handles the process for the Vice-Chancellor's signature and provides a template for the project certificate. The researcher in charge should always contact the responsible programme officer at External Relations well in advance of the application deadline.

The basic rule for granted projects is that the head of the faculty office signs agreements. Before signature, a project certificate must be signed by the researcher in charge and her/his head of department. The signed and scanned project certificate is to be sent to the responsible programme officer at External Relations, who informs the head of the faculty office that she/he can sign. The Vice-Chancellor signs agreements for university-wide university projects.

The signatures are regulated in an administrative procedure. 

Read more about the procedure on the webpage Organisation and Decision-Making Structure

Read more about the Erasmus+ programmes on the European Commission's website. The Programme Guide is available in several languages.

Link to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide

The primary goal of the sub-programme Partnerships for Cooperation is to allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods well as sharing and confronting ideas.

Who can apply for funding?

Departments at Lund University can apply as coordinator or partner in a consortium.

Read more about programme countries on the European Commission website 

Where is the application to be sent?

Send the application to the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR).

Call for applications

  • Last day of application: 5 March 2024
  • Budget: 120 000 – 400 000 Euro
  • Project duration: 12–36 months

Who can participate in the project?

Any public or private organisation, established in a programme country or in any partner country of the world. At least three organisations from programme countries are required. 

Read more about Erasmus+ on the European Commission website

Within the programme, organisations in higher education and business can apply for grants to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity and promote innovation within higher education, companies and the socio-economic area.

The programme aims to boost the provision of new skills and to address skills-mismatches by designing and creating new curricula for Higher Education (HE) and Vocational Education and Training (VET), supporting the development of an entrepreneurial mind-set in the EU. 

Alliances for Innovation are intended to have an impact on individual, organisational and system level, both in short and long terms. The focus is on digital skills and green skills. There are two lots:

  • Lot 1: Alliances for Education and Enterprises
  • Lot 2: Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (implementing the "Blueprint")

Who can apply for funding?

Departments/divisions within Lund University can apply as coordinator or partner of a consortium which consists of actors from the higher education and business sector. 

Where is the application to be sent?

Send the application directly to the EU Commission

Call for applications

Last day of application: 7 March 2023. 

Lot 1: Alliances for Education and Enterprises

  • Budget: EUR 1 000 000 - 1 500 000
  • 20% co-financing
  • Project duration: 24–36 months 

Lot 2: Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (implementing the "Blueprint")

  • Budget: EUR 4 000 000
  • 20% co-financing
  • Project duration: 48 months

Who can participate in the project?

  • Lot 1: Alliances for Education and Enterprises: minimum 4 programme countries and 8 partners 
  • Lot 2: Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (implementing the "Blueprint") minimum 8 programme countries and 12 partners 

Read more about programme countries on the EU Commission website

Read more about Alliances for Innovation on EU Commission website

The programme provides support for modernisation and reform of higher education institutions and systems in the eligible partner countries.

Read more about partner countries on the EU Commission website

Who can apply for funding?

Departments at Lund University can apply as coordinator or partner in a consortium.

Where is the application to be sent?

Send the application directly to the EU Commission

Call for applications

Last day of application: 8 February 2024.

Who can participate in the project? 

Universities and other higher education institutions and all public or private sector organisations that are active in the labour market or within education, vocational training and young people who are involved in a programme or in an eligible partner country.

Read more about capacity-building projects on EU Commission website

The Erasmus Mundus programme for joint master's programmes consists of two parts:

  • Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM) which aims to support higher education institutions that plan to develop a new joint master's programme
  • Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM)

Who can apply for funding? 

Departments at LU can apply as a coordinator or partner in a consortium.

Where is the application to be sent?

Send the application directly to the EU Commission

Call for applications

Last day of application: 15 February 2024. 

Read more in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide

Who can participate in the project? 

Departments at LU can apply as a coordinator or partner in a consortium.

Read more about joint programmes on the EU Commission website

The programme provides grants to universities and other higher education institutions to fund mobility of students as well as teaching and technical staff to another EU/EEA country.

More information how students, doctoral students, teaching and technical staff can apply for Erasmus+funding can be found here:

Erasmus mobility for students for studies

Erasmus mobility for students for traineeships

Erasmus mobility for doctoral students

Erasmus mobility for teaching

Erasmus mobility for professional development

Read more about programme countries on the EU Commission website 

Read more about European mobility on the EU Commission website

Lund University can apply for funding from the EU programme Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) to send and receive students and staff from selected partner universities outside of EU/EEA during a three-year project period.

The aim of the programme is to improve the quality of education through student and staff exchanges. Through this programme, students can study or do internships and teachers and staff gain professional development and exchange experiences with colleagues in other countries.

Who can apply for funding?

Since Lund University can only submit one joint application, every autumn the Division of External Relations sends out an internal invitation to submit proposals for mobility projects. Departments/units within Lund University can suggest projects that include student and/or staff mobility. Regarding student mobility, the faculty's international office must be consulted.

Where is the application to be sent?

Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR)

Internal call for proposals 2025

The internal call for proposals for 2025 is open. Departments/units within Lund University can suggest mobility projects that include student, PhD, teacher and staff mobility with universities outside the EU/EEA. 

Priority will be given to proposals from applicants who do not have an approved project with the same country from the past two application rounds (call 23 & 24). Exception: countries from the global south.

Suggest ICM projects by 21 October – link to application  

For more information, please contact Petra Moser-Nørgaard petra [dot] moser-norgaard [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (petra[dot]moser-norgaard[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se)

Who can participate in the programme?

Lund University in collaboration with universities in countries outside the EU/ EEA.

Read more about ICM mobility outside Europe on the UHR website

The aim of the programme is to promote excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide. EU studies should promote active European citizenship and values and deal with the role of the EU in a globalised world, enhancing awareness of the European Union and facilitating future engagement as well as people-to-people dialogue.

Who can apply for funding?

Departments at Lund University can apply as coordinator or partner in a consortium.

Where is the application to be sent?

Send the application directly to the EU Commission

Call for applications

Last day of application: 1 February 2024.

Who can participate in the project?

The programme is open for institutions worldwide to apply to and participate in.

Read more about Jean Monnet on the EU Commission website

The programme provides support for the renewal of education systems through large-scale projects involving actors from the public and private sector.

Who can apply for funding?

Departments at Lund University can apply as coordinator or partner in a consortium.

Where is the application to be sent?

Send the application directly to the EU Commission

No call for applications in 2024

Read more about forward-looking projects on EU Commission website



The programme gives support to cooperation between teacher training institutions to improve the quality of initial teacher education and to support teachers in the early years of the profession as well as through continuous professional development throughout their careers.

Who can apply for funding?

At least three organisations from programme countries are required. Departments at Lund University can apply as partner or coordinator.

Where is the application to be sent?

Send the application directly to the EU Commission

Call for applications

  • Last day of application: 6 June 2024
  • Budget 1.5 million Euro
  • Project time: 36 months

Who can participate in the project?

The consortium must consist of partners established in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.

Read more about Erasmus+ Teacher Academies on the European Commission website

Fact sheet Teacher Academies

As a teacher at Lund University, you can give courses in the form of blended intensive programmes (BIPs), part of the Erasmus+ programme. During a BIP, virtual exchange is combined with a short physical mobility. You can also teach at a BIP coordinated by another university.

BIPs are short courses that use innovative ways of learning, teaching and collaborating, both online and on-site. During the virtual part, students and teachers come together online to work together on specific tasks integrated in the BIP. Online teaching can take place before, during and after the physical mobility.

A university, together with at least two other higher education institutions from two other EU/EEA countries, can organise courses for groups of students in all subject areas and at all levels (Bachelor, Master’s and PhD).

Read more about eligible countries on the European Commission website

Teachers at Lund University can either be coordinators or part of a BIP as a partner. A grant of 6 000 – 8 000 Euro is paid to the department at the coordinating higher education institution.


  • At least three universities from at least three different countries within the EU/EEA (programme country) form a partnership.
  • The course must award at least 3 ECTS.
  • The BIP can be a part/element in a course or a specific course.
  • The physical mobility must be between 5 and 30 days.
  • The mandatory virtual part can take place before, during and after the mobility (or a combination of these).
  • At least 15 students/PhDs must participate in the physical mobility. Teaching teachers and students/PhDs from the host institution are not counted.
  • Students/PhDs and teachers from universities outside the BIP partnership can participate.
  • Mobile participants (students/PhDs and teachers) receive an Erasmus+ scholarship from their home university. An Erasmus agreement between the universities must be in place.
  • The coordinating institution receives funds (between 6 000 – 8 000 Euro) to organise the course.

Read more about BIP on the European Commission website

BIP for students/PhDs with Lund University as coordinator

If you as a teacher are interested in coordinating a BIP, you can apply for Erasmus+ funds for planning and organisation costs (6 000–8 000 Euro). For more information, please contact Petra Moser-Nørgaard (petra [dot] moser-norgaard [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (petra[dot]moser-norgaard[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se)).

  • The course must contain a campus-based part (at least five days in Sweden) and a virtual part.
  • The course must award at least 3 ECTS and can be at Bachelor, Master’s or PhD level.
  • The BIP can be a part/element in a course or a specific course.
  • The course must be completed by 31 July 2024 at the latest.
  • An inter-institutional exchange agreement is required with all partners who send students/PhDs /teachers to the course in Lund.
  • It is recommended to also invite students/PhDs from additional partner universities.
  • Courses that are planned and implemented together with two or more EUGLOH universities are given priority. Read more on EUGLOH on
  • Remember to allow enough time for the administrative procedures if a new course is to be set up. Make early contact with the responsible faculty office.
  • The coordination of a BIP needs to be approved by the pro/vice dean or the faculty's education board.
  • NOTE: If fewer than 15 students/PhDs participate in the physical mobility, the course is not eligible for financial support (LU's participants are not counted!)

BIP for students/PhDs with Lund University as partner

When another university coordinates a BIP, you can participate as a partner. Students/PhDs and teachers from Lund University who participate in the BIP apply for an Erasmus+ mobility grant for the physical mobility. 

Link to questionnaire to be filled in no later than two months before the physical mobility of the BIP

Print it and send it together with the list of participating students/PhDs and teachers to petra [dot] moser-norgaard [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (petra[dot]moser-norgaard[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se)

Contact the international office at your faculty for help with/information about the exchange administration. 

Read more about scholarship levels and information about the Erasmus+ funding for students

Read more about Erasmus teaching staff mobility


  • Inform the international office at your faculty about your BIP and the planned student mobility.
  • Inform the students/PhDs that a Learning Agreement (LA) is needed. The faculty's international office provides the LA template to students/PhDs.
  • Fill in the questionnaire (see above), print the form as a PDF and send it to petra [dot] moser-norgaard [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (petra[dot]moser-norgaard[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se)
  • Inform the students about how to apply for the Erasmus scholarship.
  • Send the list of students/PhDs to erasmusstudier [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (erasmusstudier[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se) with copy to petra [dot] moser-norgaard [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (petra[dot]moser-norgaard[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se)  before the students/PhDs apply for the Erasmus scholarship.
Erasmus+ logo


Kristina Miolin
International coordinator for Joint Master’s Programmes
+46 46 222 46 16
kristina [dot] miolin [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se

Petra Moser-Nørgaard
Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator

International coordinator for:

  • European mobility
  • International Credit Mobility
  • Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)

+46 46 222 47 53
petra [dot] moser-norgaard [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se

Teresia Rindefjäll
International coordinator for:

  • Alliances for Innovation
  • Capacity-building projects 
  • Jean Monnet
  • Partnerships for Cooperation

+46 46 222 62 40
teresia [dot] rindefjall [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education

Erasmus code

Charter number
101013090 – LU


Erasmus Charter 2021–2027 for Lund University (PDF 315 kB, new tab)

Erasmus Policy at Lund University