Services and products offered internally
Lund University’s service organisation – LU Service
LU Service handles, among other things, mailing and courier services, parking permits and cleaning. They print books, organise conferences, sell gifts, repair things that break and provide visiting researchers with a comfortable place to sleep. Please note they offer more services than the ones listed here. If you have any questions, contact LU Service.
Conferences and meetings
Organise meetings at Lund University: all events from small lunches to major conferences.
Get help with your event.
Printing, layout and graphic profile
LU Service print and design doctoral theses, compendia, posters, folders, conference material and large format items.
Get help with printing.
Parking spaces and permits
LU Service takes care of parking spaces, ticket machines, permits and signage.
Parking availability, permits and conditions.
Post, packages and courier services
LU Service deliver post, packages and books as well as renting out cars.
Post, courier and package services.
LU Service lock up, switch off lights, set alarms and carry out repairs.
Information on caretaking services.
Cleaning services
LU Service mop floors, polish windows and generally keep premises clean. We refill empty supplies and empty full waste containers.
Cleaning services.
University merchandise
Souvenirs for your guests, fine gifts for your employees or perhaps a nice scarf for yourself.
University merchandise and e-shop (new tab).
Accommodation for international students and visiting researchers
Rooms and flats for both short stays and longer periods visiting for researchers and international students.
Accommodation for international students and visiting researchers (new tab).
LU Service
What do you need help with?
info [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se

LU Guest House
Single- and double rooms. Book from 1 day and up to 3 months.

Lund university shop
Here you can order LU merchandise (in Swedish).