Record keeping and documentation
Record keeping and documentation concerning handling of laboratory animals
Record keeping
The animal testing manager is responsible for ensuring that all events, procedures and deviations are noted in the laboratory animal record. The record is to
- be stored at the animal testing facility
- be easy to understand
- be possible to link to the relevant animal testing ethical approval.
Lund University’s recommended animal record template for animal testing (PDF 84 kB, new tab)
Detailed instructions on record keeping with regard to animal testing (Word 80 kB, in Swedish)
The following documents and information must be readily available at all animal testing facilities:
- Facility approval
- User authorisation
- User permits
- Breeding permits
- Plans from the veterinarian
- Information on the 3R principle
The following templates are to be adapted to the relevant facility and species of animals kept there (in Swedish):
- Information on the animal species kept at the facility (Word 83 kB, in Swedish)
- Care procedures (Word 80 kB, in Swedish)
- Plan for enriching the animals’ environment (Word 194 kB, in Swedish)
- Malfunctions plan (Word 80 kB, in Swedish)
In addition to the information above, every project must have:
- ethical approval
- written instructions from the animal testing manager
- laboratory animal record
- training certificate for the staff involved in the project
Animal Welfare Committee
ndf-ordf [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Director of animal welfare and care
nawo [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Director of information
nio [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Director of education and expertise
ntco [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Veterinarian in charge
univet [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se