Reporting suspected deviations from good research practice
A report can be filed by one or several people. A report can also be filed anonymously. The report is submitted to the Deviations from Good Research Practice Review Board at Lund University or to the national Board for Assessment of Research Misconduct.
Suspicions concerning misconduct in research, i.e. serious deviations from good research practice in the form of fabrication, falsification or plagiarism committed with intent or through gross negligence in the planning, implementation or reporting of research are examined by the national Board for Assessment of Research Misconduct.
Read more about filing a report to the national Board for Assessment of Research Misconduct
The email address for reports to the national Board for Assessment of Research Misconduct is registrator [at] oredlighetsprovning [dot] se (registrator[at]oredlighetsprovning[dot]se).
Suspicions concerning deviations from good research practice other than misconduct in research are examined by Lund University.
The email address for reports to Lund University is avvikelse_god_forskningssed [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (avvikelse_god_forskningssed[at]rektor[dot]lu[dot]se).
The following details are requested in a filed report:
- Details about the person or persons filing the report (please note that it is possible to file a report anonymously).
- Name,
- Email address,
- Organisational affiliation,
- Telephone number.
- Details about the person or persons suspected of research misconduct.
- Name,
- Email address,
- Organisational affiliation.
- State your understanding of how the suspected deviation could be categorised. It could fall under one of the following categories:
- Fabrication, which means that new data has been invented and reproduced as real data
- Falsification, which means manipulating research material, equipment or processes, or altering or omitting data or results.
- Plagiarism, which means using other people’s work and ideas without giving due recognition to the source
Or some other example such as: - claiming unjustified authorship, unfairly excluding someone from co-authorship, or other deviations from publications ethics,
- obstructing scholarly or research ethics review, for example by withholding background material or by not securely storing data from studies,
- persuading or trying to influence someone to act in a way that deviates from good research practice,
- taking reprisals against a person who has reported or presented information or suspicions on deviations from good research practice,
- reporting suspicions with the sole aim of discrediting someone else,
- using research material in violation of existing contracts or agreements,
- unauthorised use of information given in trust,
- providing misleading information about a person’s contribution to the research,
- destroying samples or perverting another researcher’s ongoing work in some other way,
- acting in a way that shows a lack of respect for those involved in research, for example in collection, processing or reporting of research,
- conducting research without, or in breach of, the required permit.
If your suspicions concern something else you can state this.
- A description of the circumstances concerning the suspected deviation from good research practice.
- Briefly describe what you are suspicious about. Any further information, such as relevant evidence, can be referred to in attachments.
- In which publication(s) did the suspected deviation from good research practice appear, or where was it intended for publication? Or is there any other context in which the suspected deviation from good research practice has been presented?
- When did the suspected deviation from good research practice take place?
- Further information that contributes to reinforcing the suspicion of deviation from good research practice.
- Has the report also been filed with other research organisations, public authorities or funding bodies and if so, which ones?
- List of attachments
Jessica Salomonsson Enetoft
Policy Officer
avvikelse_god_forskningssed [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (avvikelse_god_forskningssed[at]rektor[dot]lu[dot]se)