Profiling in the case of external collaborations
Lund University often collaborates with external agents. This page contains guidelines on how the University logotype is to be managed together with, and in some cases by, other parties.
Who is permitted to use the Lund University logotype?
In general, the Lund University logotype is only to be used in cases where the public authority is the author of the document, as the principal or as a partner in a research project or other collaborative project.
Suppliers to the University are not to use the logotype. To communicate that Lund University is one of their clients, suppliers can mention this in a text. If you have any questions, please contact LU’s Corporate Communications by emailing grafiskprofil [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se
See also:
Students, the logotype and the Lund University name
The logotype in different types of collaboration
How we should place or use the Lund University logotype in relation to other parties depends on the nature of the collaboration – are we the main agent, are we one among several equal parties or are we a minority? The size of the logotypes is to reflect the collaborative relationship.
The examples below are based on printed material but the same principles apply to other channels as well.
Principal agent in a collaboration
When Lund University is the principal agent in a collaboration – and has invested most money, resources or commitment or is considered the main party for some other reason – the Lund University logotype is to be the largest. The partners’ logotypes are positioned a small distance away from our logotype. It is a good idea to add a caption, such as “in collaboration with”, that clarifies the relationship between the various logotypes.
When placed on a back page on printed material, the logotypes must always line up with our address details at the bottom of the page.
When Lund University is the principal agent our graphic profile is always to be adhered to.
Two examples in which Lund University is the principal agent (click to enlarge the image):
If there are many agents collaborating, it is often clearest to write the names in plain text (click to enlarge image):
Several equal parties
When Lund University is one of several equal parties in a collaboration, the logotypes are placed next to each other with an equal balance in size and distance. In this case, a neutral graphic appearance is recommended instead of using one of our partners’ graphic profiles.
An example in which Lund University is one of several equal parties (click to enlarge image):
Minority party
When Lund University is a minority party, we follow the external (principal) party’s graphic profile and guidelines regarding how the university's logo should be placed.
When one of Lund University’s sub-logotypes is to be used with a logotype for some form of certification, here using the EQUIS logotype as an example, it is placed some distance away to create space.
An example of certification on printed material (click to enlarge image):
An example of a website footer with logos of networks and partners:
Corporate Communications
grafiskprofil [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se
Maria Wendel
Communications officer
maria [dot] wendel [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se
+46 46 222 70 07
Anna Johnsson
Communications officer
anna_v [dot] johnsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se
+46 46 222 70 21
Petra Francke
Communications officer
petra [dot] francke [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (petra[dot]francke[at]kommunikation[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 46 222 03 16
Image and media bank
Download images, templates, logos, fonts and music files from the Lund University Image and mediabank.