Hate, threats and violence
This page contains information for employees about how Lund University manages hate, threats and violence.
Content on this page:
- Zero tolerance of hate, threats and violence
- In emergency situations
- It is important to inform your manager
- Criminal offences are always to be reported to the police
- Consequences of hate, threats and violence
- Support in connection with hate, threats and violence
- Threats via email or social media
- In case of ongoing threats or violence
Zero tolerance of hate, threats and violence
There is zero tolerance of hate, threats and violence at Lund University. It is therefore important that all employees at the University help to ensure that such situations do not arise.
If you feel there are situations at work that entail risks of hate, threats and violence, you are to bring this to the attention of your immediate manager. You can then look at these situations together and consider how these risks can be minimised.
In emergency situations
If you are being subjected to hate, threats or violence, and find yourself in an emergency situation, you should call 112 immediately. You can also call the University Security Control Centre on 046-222 07 00 (this number is on the back of your LU card).
It is important to inform your manager
If you have been subjected to hate, threats or violence, you are to inform your manager concerning this. You are also to report it as an incident or occupational injury, depending on what has happened.
Report the incident in the IA system
Criminal offences are always to be reported to the police
If you have been subjected to a criminal act, you must always report this to the police so that it can be investigated through the judicial system. This applies whether the person responsible was a student, employee or outsider.
To report a crime, call 114 14 or visit a police station.
Consequences of hate, threats and violence
If, as an employee, you subject another employee or a student at the University to hate, threats or violence, this could lead to consequences under labour law.
If a student subjects you to hate, threats or violence in your capacity as an employee, this could lead to disciplinary measures for the student. Read more on the University’s webpages for students:
Cheating, disruption and harassment | Lund University
Support in connection with hate, threats and violence
People who are subjected to hate, threats and violence may react in many different ways. For many people, it is important to talk to someone they feel comfortable with. Support is available for anyone who has been subjected to hate, threats and violence:
- Occupational Health Service
- Procured crisis support (access help via your manager and HR)
- Primary healthcare 1177, contact your nearest healthcare centre
- Emergency psychiatric department – if the person is a danger to themselves or others
- The University’s Multifaith Chaplaincy (Studentprästerna) provides counselling to all at Lund University, regardless of worldview or religious affiliation.
Threats via email or social media
If you are being threatened via email or social media, for example, do the following:
- Save the email, links, websites or take a screenshot of the page where the message appears
- Make a note of the date and time you received/discovered the message
- Inform your line manager
- Report the incident
Read more advice on how to address comments
In case of ongoing threats or violence
- Try to mitigate the threat by acting calm. Keep a safe distance. In case of violence try to escape.
- If possible, try to alert others to the situation, seek help from fellow employees or other people nearby.
- When you feel unsafe, call the University security control centre on +46 46 222 07 00.
- In case of an emergency: call the police at 112. You will be asked to describe the incident and assess whether for exemple emergency medical care is needed. Also call the University security control centre on +46 46 222 07 00 to inform the University´s security service of the incident.
- Only intervene if you can do so without risk to your own safety.
- Contact your line manager immediately. Report what happened and if help was summoned.
- Document observations. Immediately write down what you have seen, try to describe the person who threatened or was violent: number of persons, gender and age, length, skin colour, hair colour, hair length, demeanour, accent, colour of clothing, shoes, trousers/skirt, coat, sweater, other characteristics, escape route, vehicle. Other observations e.g. what was said, the nature of the threat.
- Report the incident in the IA system
Contact your line manager, the human resources officer, health and safety representative or equivalent within your department/faculty or equivalent.
In case of emergency, always call 112!
If you are calling via your office landline, dial 0-112.
University security control centre
+46 46 222 07 00
Report incidents
Report incidents in the IA system
Reporting the incident will help you to ensure that all necessary contacts are made and notifications are filed.
Read more about reporting occupational injuries and incidents
For managers
On the HR-website you will find a checklist on what you as a manager must do if an employee has been subjected to hate, threat or violence.