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Erasmus+ teaching staff mobility

Teaching in Europe

Teaching staff, researchers and doctoral students can receive funding for teaching, lectures, seminars, supervision and examinations at a partner university in Europe.

You can visit higher education institutions in any of the other countries participating in Erasmus+. There is a requirement for a bilateral agreement with the partner university that you want to visit. You are responsible for ensuring that there is a valid agreement. If there is no valid agreement, contact the international coordinator at your department/faculty and discuss the possibility of drafting an agreement.

Application periods

Applications will be reviewed during the following periods:

  • 1 September to 15 December
  • 15 January to 30 June

It can take up to two weeks to receive formal approval of Erasmus+ funding. Therefore, please submit your application in good time before the activity/mobility starts.

Please note that the Erasmus+ scholarship must be applied for and granted before departure, i.e., it cannot be applied for retroactively.

Combining teaching with professional skill development

Combining teaching mobility with professional skill development means that you, as a teaching staff, can have more time for professional skill development during your mobility, e.g., job shadowing, observation periods, training or ‘staff weeks’. The mobility must include at least two working days and at least four hours of teaching (instead of eight hours, which is the normal requirement applied to mobility for teaching staff). For longer periods, the requirement is at least four hours of teaching per week. The maximum period approved is normally two to three weeks. 

You apply for teaching staff mobility and include in your application that you intend to combine it with Erasmus+ professional development. All rules, except the one requiring eight hours of teaching per week, are the same as for mobility for teaching staff.

Countries you can travel to in Europe

Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland.

Third countries associated to the Erasmus+ programme 

North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Türkiye.

Mobility to the UK

From 1 September 2023, you can go on teaching mobility to the UK. Mobility to the UK takes place under the same conditions as for other countries, with the exception that the number of working days must be at least 5 (other countries minimum 2).

Search for partner universities in Europe in SoleMove

Those who work as teachers for students at Lund University have the right to apply for teacher mobility. There does not need to be an employment contract; instead, there can be an agreement between Lund University and the teacher or between Lund University and, for example, Region Skåne. The exchange must take place during the period the teacher is affiliated with Lund University, and the service must cover at least 50%.

The budget of the EU/UHR can vary from year to year. Precedence is given to applicants who have not previously been granted funds for teaching staff mobility. 

The stay must include a minimum of 2 working days and a minimum of 8 teaching hours. For longer periods, a minimum of 8 teaching hours per week applies. The maximum period granted is normally 2–3 weeks. 

Teaching is considered to include all types of teaching of students in first, second and third cycle education in which the teaching staff member is physically present at the host higher education institution, for example lectures, seminars, individual supervision, examinations, etc.

According to the EU Commission's regulations, preparation time and post-work time are not included in the concept of teaching hour, even if it is done in Sweden.

The teacher must stay in the host country during the mobility. This also applies to mobilities in Denmark. If the mobility takes place in Denmark, hotel receipt or similar must be uploaded to the Erasmus database under “Other documents”.

Fill out your application online to apply for an Erasmus grant.

Link to application database – choose Application for Teaching Staff Assignment (STA)

Follow the instructions in the database. Start by filling in all the required fields.

Regarding the fields “Overall objectives of the mobility”, “Added value of the mobility”, “Content of the teaching programme” and “Expected outcomes and impact” in the application form, it is sufficient to provide a brief description of the planned mobility (a few sentences in each field is enough). In the case of combined teacher/staff mobility, the staff part of mobility must also be described.

Once you have clicked "submit", under Required Actions, download and sign your Mobility Agreement. Once you have received all the signatures (please inform those who are to sign that the signature must be handwritten or E-signature), upload it to the database – only then will we process your application. Then within two weeks you will receive an email informing you when it is time to re-enter the application to handle your Grant Agreement. Throughout the process, you will receive a notification via email with information about what needs to be done. For the scholarship to be paid out, three completed / signed documents are required: Mobility Agreement, Grant Agreement and Certificate of Attendance.

Certificate of Attendance must be uploaded no later than one month after the end of mobility. Please note that the Certificate of attendance must not be signed before the last day of the mobility. The signature must be handwritten or E-signature.

You will, via email, receive a survey from the EU. This must be answered no later than one month after the end of mobility.

You can log in to the database at any time to see your application.

Funding comprises an amount based on the duration of the stay (daily subsistence allowance) and a travel allowance based on the distance between the home university and the receiving institution according to the EU Commission’s distance calculation. You can also receive compensation for travelling days to and from the destination.  

The two parts form together the grant that will be transferred to the department upon return from the mobility. The grant from the Erasmus programme is not intended to cover all the costs for the trip. It is important that you come to an agreement with your division manager/head of department about how you will cover the costs of the exchange that may exceed the scholarship amount. In the case not all funding is used, it will be kept by the department.

One part of the grant is based on the distance between Lund and the city of the destination. The sums below cover both ways, but they are based on the single way. To calculate the distance, the Distance calculator of the European Union should be used.

Link to EU Distance Calculator – distance calculation to destination

The funds are paid to your division/department after the final documentation is received. Payments are made according to the currency exchange rate that applied when the funds were received by Lund University. To receive payment for your trip, you submit a travel expense report in Primula.

Link to EU Distance Calculator – distance calculation to destination

Contribution towards travel

Travel distance - Travel from Lund University to the city of the hosting institution (one way)Grant per person for a return tripGreen Travel
Trips between:  
10 and 99 km28 EUR56 EUR
100 and 499 km211 EUR285 EUR
500 and 1999 km309 EUR417 EUR
2000 and 2999 km395 EUR535 EUR
3000 and 3999 km580 EUR785 EUR
4000 and 7999 km1188 EUR1188 EUR
8000 or more1735 EUR1735 EUR

Daily amount per country

Receiving countryAmount per day during the first 14 daysAmount per day from day 15 to day 60
Group 1  
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, UK.180 EUR126 EUR
Group 2  
Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain.160 EUR112 EUR
Group 3  
Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Türkiye.140 EUR98 EUR


ErasmusTeaching [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (ErasmusTeaching[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se)

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education

Erasmus code

Charter number
101013090 – LU


Erasmus Charter 2021–2027 for Lund University (PDF 315 kB, new tab)

Erasmus Policy at Lund University