Project model
Working in project form
Within the University, large and small projects as well as inquiry assignments of various kinds are continuously being conducted. Lund University project model is intended as a support for assignments implemented in project form.
- Directive, in Swedish (Word 108kB, new tab)
- Project plan, in Swedish (Word 194kB, new tab)
- Risk assessment, in Swedish, (Word 26kB, new tab)
- Stake holder analysis, in Swedish (Word 46kB, new tab)
- Final report, in Swedish (Word 193kB, new tab)
Note. If you are planning to publish any documents, those need to be accessible according to the directive on web accessibility. You will find more information and support here.
The project process
The project process is started by the project owner writing a Directive in which the purpose and impact targets are clearly defined.
A preliminary study is conducted to describe and assess the project proposal’s feasibility. The preliminary study may include alternative solutions. The proposals are to be described in a preliminary study report. Usually, there is no steering group at the preliminary study stage, as the decision on the project’s implementation has not yet been taken.
The launch stage involves planning the project’s implementation, documenting goals, with costs, stakeholders, communication planning etc. in a project plan. A well-implemented launch stage is crucial to the project’s chances of success. The launch stage includes the appointment of a project principal, steering group and project manager.
The implementation stage is when the project work is carried out. The project manager works together with the project group and reports to the steering group. Depending on the type of project, the implementation stage can take various forms.
The conclusion stage involves writing the final report and submitting the project result to the organisation responsible.
Training in project methodology
Training courses in project expertise and project management are available via Kompetensportalen.
Development Portfolio Group (UP Group)
The responsibility of the UP Group is to prioritize and ensure that the development initiatives that start, are ongoing, and are concluded are in line with the prioritized areas and the needs of the organization.
The UP Group consists of the Vice-Chancellor, or the person appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, the Chief Administrative Officer and a student representative.
Date of UP Group Meetings:
Below is a list of the preliminary dates set for the meetings of the UP Group. Directives to be addressed by the UP Group should be sent to projektkontoret [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (projektkontoret[at]rektor[dot]lu[dot]se) no later than one week before the meeting.
- 21 augusti
- 8 oktober
- 13 november
- 17 december
Ongoing projects
Current university-wide development projects (in Swedish)
What is the project office?
The project office provides support at the start of the project, in drawing up project plans, suggesting templates, following up and supporting project managers and project principals. The project office deals with projects for which the vice-chancellor, the university director, the study programmes board or the research board have taken decisions on implementation. Those projects are defined as University-wide projects.
Project Management Office
projektkontoret [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se
Karl Ageberg
Head of PMO
+46 46 222 94 92
karl [dot] ageberg [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (karl[dot]ageberg[at]rektor[dot]lu[dot]se)
Jennie Paldanius
Strategic developer
+46 46 222 13 15
jennie [dot] paldanius [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (jennie[dot]paldanius[at]rektor[dot]lu[dot]se)