Change management (KIA Consultant)
University´s internal consultancy Group
Are you facing a change project? As a leader/manager you can receive support and help from the University’s internal consultancy service, KIA (Swedish acronym for Quality Development in Administration).
Help available to you
You can get support in change and development work related to management, organisation and administration for example in the following situations:
- The organisation has changed and support operations need to be adjusted accordingly.
- The organisation is facing changes and needs to review its structure.
- The organisation experiences that support, procesesses or routines are not functioning optimally.
- There is a need to work with vision, strategic plan or operational plan.
The work starts with you, as a manager /leader contacting someone in the KIA group. See contact details in the contact box.
From whom can you get support?
KIA Consultant is the University’s internal consultancy support in change projects within the support function in matters related to organisation, administration, management and governance.
Those working with this are a number of employees at the Office of the Vice-Chancellor, Strategic development department. As part of our job, we are KIA consultants and the assignments we carry out are within the ordinary budget, which means that we do not charge our clients.
A variety of assignments within the entire University
Over the years, we have worked with all faculties and most departments, as well as large parts of the University administration divisions.
The assignments are of varying nature and scope. Everything from assignments that can run for a year, to short assignments with a few days of work. You can receive support with facilitation of workshops, planning days and similiar, with processes mapping and routine reviews, and we can act as a sounding board before and during a development work.
KIA Consultancy
Karin Ekborg Persson
Head of Office
+46 46 222 15 39
Karin [dot] Ekborg-Persson [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se
Cecilia Billgren
Staff Council
+ 46 46 222 70 24
cecilia [dot] billgren [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se
Peter Ahlm
Project Manager
+46 46 222 47 25
Peter [dot] Ahlm [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se
Sara Virkelyst
Project Manager
+46 46 222 09 39
Sara [dot] Virkelyst [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se
Susanne Hägerström
+46 46 222 70 30
Susanne [dot] Hagerstrom [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se
Åsa Björnram Daniel
Project Manager
+46 46 222 47 35
Asa [dot] Daniel [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se