Working group for research infrastructure
The processes involving inventory, prioritisation and support to research infrastructures are increasingly becoming more extensive, both within Lund University as well as from a national perspective. Hence there is a need for a working group to monitor, analyse and prepare questions and decision basis related to research infrastructures.
The core tasks of the working group are the following:
- To prepare and follow up on the university's annual investments in support for local research infrastructure.
- To regularly review the need for, and the access to, local and national research infrastructure within the university's faculties and other organisations.
- Leave suggestions on appropriate co-financing of national research infrastructure.
- Monitor questions related to international research infrastructures, and if needed evaluate, prioritise and assess the access to these.
- On the behalf of the university-wide research board carry out systematic external monitoring of areas relevant for, and with the potential to influence, research infrastructures. Examples of such areas are financing, regulations and international trends.
The working group works on behalf of the university-wide research board.
Working group members
- Håkan Carlsson, Library Director, Lund University Library
- Sara Blomberg, Associate Senior Lecturer, LTH
- Therese Nilsson, Professor, School of Economics and Management
- Kajsa M. Paulsson, Professor, Faculty of Medicine
- Tobias Uller, Professor, Faculty of Science
- Torbjörn Ahlström, Professor, Faculties of Humanities and Theology
- Viktor Öwall, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Lund University (chair)
- Student representative, appointed yearly by Lund University's student unions, LUS.
Administrative support
- Magnus Edblad, Research Services
- Johanna Mellgren, Research Services (secretary)
Johanna Mellgren
Research Services
+46 (0)730 683 698
johanna [dot] mellgren [at] fs [dot] lu [dot] se