The database for education at Lund University
Lubas is the database for education at Lund University. The system consists of three modules: a display of the range of courses and programmes offered, and their respective syllabi.
Course and programme offerings in Lubas
Information on courses and programmes offered at Lund University is gathered in Lubas. This material is used in the presentations of courses and programmes at and The information is also forwarded to,, the admissions system (NyA), the student registry (Ladok), etc.
Administrators at each department enter information into the database about their courses and programmes (such as admission requirements, rate of study, type and language of instruction).
To access Lubas you must make an application in Lucat.
On the Lubas start page there is a blog with current information and links to the Lubas manuals. If you are new to the system and in need of an introduction, please contact lubas [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se.
There must be an approved course or programme syllabus in order for an education instance to be sent to Ladok, regardless of if the instance is only used internally in Ladok or sent on to the admission system (NyA). The latter will not be published on or the Lund University website in absence of an approved syllabus.
Course and programme syllabi in Lubas
In Lubas there are two modules to establish and revise course and programme syllabi.
Course syllabi
Lubas should be used to establish and revise the course syllabi. A translation tool is integrated into this system for translating course syllabi into English.
All employees at Lund University can log into Ubas using their Lucat identity, but to review and approve course syllabi, you will need special authorisation.
Log into course syllabi on Lubas website
Programme syllabi
In Lubas, you will find programme syllabi from 2017 and onward.
Log into programme syllabi on Ubas website
To make changes in Lubas, you must first be authorised as a Lubas user. This can be requested in Lucat: log in, and on ‘Min sida’ (My page) under ‘Mina behörigheter’ (My authorisations), click on ‘Ansök om behörighet’ (Request authorisation). The same procedure applies to roles in Ubas (reviewer, approver and establisher).
Remember to select the organisational unit (v1000xxx) to which the programme belongs.
For authorisation to Lubas PP, visit the LTH website
If you are new to the system and need an introduction or other kind of support, please contact lubas [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se.
The Lubas group consists of:
Anders Arnebert
Cecilia Peltola
Malin Kurtz
Log into Lubas
VPN is required outside the LU network
The Department for Study Administration Systems
Questions about Lubas database and support
lubas [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se
Visiting address:
Sölvegatan 18 B, Lund
Mailing address:
Lunds universitet
Studieadministrativa system
Box 117
221 00 Lund
Internal mailing code 61