Create an accessibility statement
An accessibility statement must be produced for all websites (a website has its own domain, for example as well as a contact form to enable visitors to report accessibility issues.
About the accessibility statement
It should be easy for visitors to find the link to the statement, so you should ideally place the link in the footer of the website.
The accessibility statement should include a description of any non-accessible content on the website and a link to a contact form where the visitor can report any issues. It is important to ensure that the viewpoints collected via the contact form are processed and remedied.
The statement should be regularly updated.
Example of an accessibility statement and contact form
- Accessibility statement for website:
- Contact form for website:
Create an accessibility statement
Use our examples of statements as a basis and supplement them with information concerning your website. You need to provide the following information:
- Website adress (URL)
- Organisational affiliation
- How accessible is the website? Use one of the two formulations below.
- “We have no known accessibility issues on this website.”
- “We are aware that parts of this website are not fully accessible. See the section detailing non-accessible content below for more information.”
- Technical information about the website’s accessibility. Use one of the three formulations below.
- “This website complies in full with the law on accessibility to digital public service.”
- “This website only partially complies with the law on accessibility to digital public service, on account of the issues described below.”
- “This website does not comply with the law on accessibility to digital public service. Non-accessible parts are described below.”
- Description of any accessibility issues.
- The method that was used to test the website and the date on which the test was carried out.
- Date on which the website was launched (contact the person responsible for your content management system if you need help with that information).
- The date on which the accessibility report was most recently updated.
Accessibility statement in Drupal
In Drupal there is a template for the accessibility statement where you only need to specify the parts that you can influence, which is the editorial content, for example documents, pictures and videos. The template also lists possible technical issues and is updated by the Department Web Communications at Lund university.
Read about how to create an accessibility statement in Drupal on (in Swedish)
Contact Lund University's accessibility expert via our
contact form.
You can also join the team "Nätverket för webbpublicister vid Lunds universitet" that has a channel for discussing web accessibility. Join the team and go directly to "Webbtillgänglighetskanalen" (in Swedish) on Microsoft Teams