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Physical work environment

This page provides information about the rights and obligations of employees with regard to physical work environment risks and whom you should contact with questions concerning work environment risks.

Content on this page:

About the physical work environment 

Physical work environment refers to the physical environment that surrounds us in our work. 

The conditions for the physical environment are determined by factors such as the design of the workplace, noise reduction, lighting, ventilation and aids at work. It is also about a safety mindset to avoid accidents and injuries, about ergonomically well-thought-out computer workstations and about a risk-free environment for allergy sufferers.

Indoor climate

Information on measures you can take to influence the indoor climate and whom to contact if the indoor climate is not satisfactory.

Too hot or too cold in the workplace

High indoor temperatures can make the air feel dry. You may experience nausea, headaches or your head may feel heavy. Check that

  • radiators or other heaters are turned down or off
  • blinds and awnings are working and that
  • there is no heat-emitting equipment that could be turned off.

Low indoor temperatures cause discomfort and can lead to muscle pain, a stiff neck and irritation of the eyes. Check that

  • radiators or other heaters are turned up,
  • the thermostat is not covered and furniture is not blocking the heat from the radiators,
  • you are sitting at least a metre from the windows and that
  • surfaces, such as walls or floors, do not feel cold to the touch.

Dry air

Try to keep the room temperature below 21°C, as high temperatures often make the air feel drier.

The perception of dry air is not usually attributable to the air being too dry. The problem is primarily due to indoor air pollution.

If problems persist

If you have checked the above points and are still experiencing problems, contact your line manager or report the fault to the landlord.

Fire safety

All employees should be aware of the procedures for their workplace in the event of a fire. This includes

  • fire extinguishers,
  • emergency exits and
  • assembly points.

All employees are to have undergone fire safety training within five years of appointment and are to repeat the training every five years.

Read more about fire safety training and what to do in case of fire

Employees who perform fire safety management tasks or work with flammable goods can find more information on the HR website.

Read more about systematic fire safety management and handling of flammable goods (in Swedish)

If you work in a high-risk environment

Employees have a responsibility to report risks in the physical work environment to their manager. If you work in a high-risk environment, you are entitled to a risk assessment. The risk assessment describes any safety measures that need to be taken. You are obliged to follow the instructions set down by your manager.

You are to be offered a medical examination before commencing work with

  • certain allergenic chemical products,
  • laboratory animals and
  • human blood and other body fluids.

A medical examination is compulsory and a fitness to work certificate must be issued before commencing work with

  • lead,
  • cadmium,
  • certain allergenic chemical products and
  • certain types of ionizing radiation.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you are entitled to have a risk assessment of your work environment by your manager. The Occupational Health Service can also help in assessing risks.

For more information

You can find more information about risks in the work environment, risk assessment and medical check-ups on the following pages of the HR web. The HR web is aimed at HR functions and managers, and the information on the pages is adapted to the needs and prior knowledge of these target groups.


If you have any questions about your work environment, you should first contact your immediate manager.  

For more specific questions:

Johan Ohlin
Work environment engineer
+46 46 222 70 26
johan [dot] ohlin [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se

Martina Balaz
Chemical safety coordinator
+46 46 222 72 59
martina [dot] balaz [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se (martina[dot]balaz[at]bygg[dot]lu[dot]se)

Martin Åberg
Fire safety coordinator
+46 46 222 70 54
martin [dot] aberg [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se (martin[dot]aberg[at]bygg[dot]lu[dot]se)

Hanna Holstein
Radiation safety officer
+46 46 222 01 93
hanna [dot] holstein [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se

Related information

More information about work environment rules, risk assessments and medical examinations can be found on the following websites: