Invoice management
An invoice is a bill that must be paid by the University. You are responsible for paying your invoices through the online tool Lupin/Proceedo. On this page, you will find information on how to proceed.
Compulsory e-invoicing in the public sector
All purchases in the public sector are required by law to be invoiced electronically. This requirement is part of efforts to make public administration more efficient throughout the EU.
How Lund University is affected by the requirement
Managing invoices
In Lupin/Proceedo you will process purchasing and supplier invoices. All invoices are processed electronically. User guides for the system are available below.
The user guides open in a new tab.
- Favourites and default value (PDF 364 kB)
- Placing orders (PDF 1 MB)
- Approving orders (PDF 237 kB)
- Confirming delivery (PDF 219 kB)
- Reviewing invoices (PDF 533 kB)
- Approving invoices (PDF 361 kB)
- Delegate your authorisations (PDF 159 kB)
Reference guides in Swedish (Medarbetarwebben)
Further information:
- The Approval rules
- For detailed information about invoice management, please visit the Finance website (in Swedish)
- Detailed information and additional quick reference guides about Lupin available on the Finance Pages (in Swedish)
For business travel you need to supplement the invoice with the purpose/objective of the trip. The date of the assignment/trip shall be stated in all business travel and programme attachments.
Billing address
Lund University
Name of the department/division
Box 188
SE-221 00 Lund
Reference: First name and surname(s), for example “Lars Larsson”.
If you receive invoices directly to the department you should send these to be scanned. Use the University’s billing address (see above). It is also possible to use an internal envelope addressed to "Invoice Scan, Box 188". Then, contact the supplier and change the address to the University billing address with the addition of the name of the department. Inform your supplier about the new legal requirements for e-invoicing.
If you send several invoices in the same envelope, it is important that you secure each invoice that runs over several pages together with a paper clip. Do not use staples.
Requisitions sent to Lund University from external project participants are to be addressed and sent to the relevant department’s postal address.
Made out to Lund University
Invoices to be paid by the University must always be made out to Lund University. Otherwise, you must ask the supplier to issue a new correct invoice.
Corporate identification number
Lund University’s corporate identification number is 202100-3211.
VAT number
Lund University’s VAT number is SE202100321101.
Our VAT number shall be used when ordering goods and services from other EU countries.
Eori number
Lund University’s Eori number is SE 2021003211.
The Eori number is used for customs declarations and other customs related activities.
The first name and surname of the person who placed the order shall be included as reference on the invoice, for example, “Lars Larsson”. If an order number (LU followed by 8 digits) or a subscription number has been provided alongside the order, this must be written on the first page of the invoice.
Supported currencies for payments
The currencies Lund University can make payments in are: AUD, CAD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, JPY, NOK, SEK and USD.
In case of error
When invoices have errors or if you need to make a complaint about something, you should contact the supplier and request a credit note. Wait to process the invoice until an agreement is reached with the supplier and a potential credit note has been sent to Lupin. Then, process both invoices simultaneously. It is important that the credit note contains the same information as the original invoice in terms of supplier and payment information.
Purchasing and invoice management – delegate to a colleague
Lupin/Proceedo includes a function via which you can delegate your approval rights to a colleague who is on duty. The function is on the left of the Lupin/Proceedo start page (under the blue To handle box). Click on the + symbol and choose who you want to delegate to, as well as which task to delegate and for what period. You and the person you have delegated to will both have access to process orders/invoices during the period you selected.
Confirming deliveries and reviewing invoices can be delegated to a colleague of your choosing, but remember to inform them.
If you have approval rights, delegation is to be to a substitute officer according to the existing Approval Plan.
Read more and delegate in Lupin/Proceedo:
Quick reference guide – Delegating authorisation (PDF 58 kB)
Contact the Division of Finances via the support form when you have questions about
- problems with delegating to users in Lupin/Proceedo (category “Delegate invoice/Change reviewer (Lupin/Proceedo)”)
- approval and authorisation rights (category “Authorisation plans”)
Division of Finances’ support form
To find out about available courses, visit the Division of Finances website – Courses, internal for finance officers and purchasing officers, or go directly to Kompetensportalen.
Internal courses on finances/purchasing (Division of Finances website) (in Swedish)