The "Activities" module highlights aspects of research that are shared, presented, and made visible through means other than publications. On this page, you can learn why it's important to register research activities and how to do so.
Why you add activities
The research assignment includes many things that often remain invisible to the environment. By adding activities to LUCRIS, you can make your work visible in addition to your research outputs. Research related activities include, for example, conference presentations, peer-review and lectures for the public.
The activities can also be linked, via relationships, to other information in LUCRIS such as projects, external and internal organisations and research output, thereby creating a more complete picture of the research work. You can also reuse relevant activities in the CV module.
In general, it is voluntary for researchers to enter research activities in LUCRIS. However, your faculty may have its own guidelines, for example regarding certain types of activity that must be registered for special reasons.
How to enter activities in LUCRIS
Below you will find a video and a description of how to add activities in LUCRIS.
Video: How to add activities
A short video tutorial on how to enter an activity.
Description: How to add activities
The easiest way to add an activity in LUCRIS is to:
- Click on the green button 'Add content' on the landing page
- Select 'Activities'
- Choose an 'Activity Type' (more about different types further down this page).
- Continue to fill out the fields
- Save once you are done
What types of activities you can enter
The division is not an exact science and some of the categories may feel overlapping. The most important principle for choosing an activity type is to use the subtype that feels most right for the current activity.
Under each activity type there are a number of defined roles for people, it is good to assign a suitable role to each person added to an activity. Note that external people added to an activity must give their consent.
Activities in the Research Portal
There is no review process for activities. Registered activities become visible in the portal after a short while, if you set the visibility to "Public".
Frequently asked questions about Activities
Below you will find our frequently asked questions regarding activities.
Yes. Since spring 2024 you can add activities which have external affiliations only.
Tutorial for Activities
Below you will find descriptions of how you use the various Activity types and their fields in LUCRIS.
Use the "Publication peer review and editorial work" category when registering activities related to peer-reviewing publications.
Note: Activities not related to scholarly publications, such as application reviews, should be entered under "Consultancy, expert advice, and memberships."
Ongoing peer-reviewing and editorial roles
Peer-reviewing and editorial roles are often ongoing. For instance, if you are an editor of a journal or part of a review panel, select a start date and leave the end date blank to indicate that the activity is still ongoing. You can update the end date once your commitment ends.
Choose one of the following subtypes:
- Journal editor
- Editor or Series
- Member of journal or series' editorial board/committee
- Journal/Manuscript peer review
- Membership of peer review panel or committee
Activity information - Editorial work
It is possible to register information about one of the following three: journal, publisher or event. If a journal is entered, the publisher will be indirectly linked to the entry.
Here, you register activities that concern participation in an event (without a specific personal contribution) or organisation of an event. The event can for instance be a conference.
Remember that if you have made a personal contribution with its own title that is different from the event title, this should be entered under ‘Talk or presentation’.
To register only participation in an event, without having contributed as an organiser or held a talk, use the categories ‘Participation in…’.
To register that you have taken part in organising the conference, use the categories ‘Organisation of...’.
It is common to have both organised and taken part but, in that case, it is sufficient only to register as an organiser.
If you have both organised and presented something yourself, it is appropriate to register these two activities separately. In such situations it can save effort to create one activity and then use the duplication button (lower left-hand corner). You then change your role in the new entry.
Remember to adapt the role to the subcategory, that is if you add ‘Organisation of conference’, then the corresponding role is to be ‘Organiser’.
- Participation in conference
- Organisation of conference
- Participation in workshop/seminar/course
- Organisation of workshop/seminar/course
- Participation in public lecture/debate/seminar
- Organisation of public lecture/debate/seminar
- Participation in festival/exhibition/concert/performance. (Here, enter activities within artistic research but also participation in events such as 'The Culture Night')
- Organisation of festival/exhibition/concert/performance.
Here you register activities in which you made a specific personal contribution to an event, such as a conference, where your contribution had a specific title that differs from the event’s title. The title of the contribution is to be entered in the title field.
- Invited talk: can be used for academic and non-academic contexts, to which you were invited as a speaker.
- Presentation: can be used for other types of presentations of all kinds, including oral presentation of posters. Please note that written contributions, for example in the form of ‘Proceedings’ or a poster are to be registered as Research Output.
- Public lecture/debate/seminar: can be used to distinguish the event as public.
- Performance: concerns various types of performance, mainly artistic research, but use ‘Research Output types’ if possible.
Here you register activities such as consultancy assignments, expert assignments and participation in various contexts linked to the researcher’s professional role. As a title, state what is to appear in the list view in the portal, which can be a very brief description to make it clear already in the list view. Where the subcategories overlap, the researcher can decide which one is most appropriate.
- Consultancy
- Consultancy (in kind) (Use this if you are interested in marking the fact that the consultancy was unremunerated)
- Member of peer-review panel or committee (not publications), e.g. of applications.
- Expert assignment (For various kinds of expert assignments.)
- Work for advisory/policy/evaluation group (non-public/non-government)
- Work for advisory/policy/evaluation group (public/government /EU/UN)
- Member of external research organisation
- Member of board/committee/council
Here you register visits to external organisations in your capacity as a researcher or lecturer. It is compulsory to state what institution you visited; the institution’s title becomes the title field in list views, etc.
- Research or teaching at external organisation
Here you register hosting an external visitor. It is compulsory to provide the visitor’s name. As the person’s name will appear in the portal, it is important to obtain the visitor’s permission before entering the name.
- Hosting a visitor
Here you enter information about examination (e.g. assignment as external reviewer of PhD theses) and supervision.
Be aware that it is the supervisor/examiner who enters the information about supervision/examination assignments – not the student. Information about the doctoral student/student/examinee can be entered, but this is optional. The name of the student is to be entered in the title field.
- External reviewer of PhD thesis/Opponent
- Examination. (Can be used for examination assignments that do not involve supervision of a doctoral student but which the researcher nevertheless considers to be an additional qualification.)
- Supervision
- Supervision of Postdoc
- Supervision of PhD students
- Supervision of Master’s student
Supervision assignments video tutorial
Below you will find a brief video tutorial about how to add supervision assignments in LUCRIS, uploaded 2021-05-21.
Here you add activities of types that do not belong in the other categories.
The list of available categories will be developed in future.
- Business cooperation
- Commissioned education
- Media participation (All sorts of media appearances besides articles written by you which are registered as research output.)
- Schools engagement
Contact the LUCRIS support
E-mail: servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se
Phone: 046-222 90 00
Monday - Friday 8:00-17:00
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Video - Add an activity to LUCRIS
How to add research related activities in LUCRIS, eg. conference participation, public appearances and editorial work.
Filmed material (new window).
Video - Add supervision in LUCRIS
How can you showcase your supervisions in LUCRIS?
Filmed material, opens in a new window.