Laws and guidelines
All countries in the European Union must now have laws in place governing web accessibility. In Sweden we have the law on accessibility to digital public service. This law means that the websites of all public bodies must fulfil the legislative requirements governing accessibility from 23 September 2020. The purpose of the law is to increase digital accessibility for all users, including people with disability.
The law on accessibility to digital public service states that services and information provided by a public actor through a website or mobile application must be accessible. Such digital service must meet the requirements to be:
- perceivable
- operable
- understandable
- robust.
By complying with a specific European standard (EN 301 549 V3.2.1), which in turn is based on the international web standard WCAG 2.1, websites and mobile applications can live up to the requirements.
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, see level A and AA -
- Official guidelines for web development in the public sector in Sweden -
- The European Commission website on web accessibility
The law on accessibility to digital public service also specifies that there must be an accessibility statement for each website that describes how well the website fulfils the legislative requirements and how and when the owners plan to remedy inaccessible content on the site. The statement should also contain a function for reporting accessibility issues.
The following must meet all legislative requirements:
- All websites.
- Mobile phone apps.
- Films (though not live broadcasts) published from 23 September 2020.
- Documents published as of 23 September 2018 and older documents that “are needed to carry out active administrative procedures that follow from the relevant authority’s assignments”.
We also have other legislation in Sweden concerning accessibility, for example the Discrimination Act and the Public Procurement Act.
Contact Lund University's accessibility expert by sending an
e-mail to: tillganglighet [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (tillganglighet[at]kommunikation[dot]lu[dot]se)
You can also join the team "Nätverket för webbpublicister vid Lunds universitet" that has a channel for discussing web accessibility. Join the team and go directly to "Webbtillgänglighetskanalen" (in Swedish) on Microsoft Teams