Research data management
Here you find information about some of the support you as a researcher have access to regarding requirements and guidelines for the management of research data. You also find information on data management plans, storage and sharing of research data.
Requirements and guidelines
Some Swedish laws and regulations affect you as a researcher when managing research data.
If you handle research data with personal data, special legislation applies. You must also register the processing of personal data in a special register at LU, called PULU.
Find out more about the processing of personal data at LU and login to PULU
Research carried out on humans or animals may entail that you as a researcher must apply for an ethical permit in accordance with regulations for ethical review.
Read more about research ethics and animal testing ethics at LU
The research at a university is a public authority activity. The documents produced in research belong to the University.
The university is subject to The Swedish National Archives Regulation on preservation and disposal, which stipulates how archiving of research data is to be performed.
Read more about how to handle and archive research documents at LU
There is a lot of information and data within the University that needs to be protected and managed in a safe way. The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has a task to develop and manage information security efforts within the university, e.g. setting requirements, coordinating, supporting, training, and monitoring compliance.
Many research funders have requirements for the management of research data, such as sharing data and data management plans. Read more on the funders’ website to find up-to-date information for your project.
Data management plans
A data management plan (DMP) is a document providing a framework for how your data material will be handled during and after a research project. Lund University provides the tool DMP Online, to help you create and update your data management plan.
Until February 2024 Lund University used the tool DMP Roadmap for data management plans. If you still have a data management plan there, you can login and copy your content and transfer it to DMP Online (please contact your faculty library for assistance). You cannot create a new plan using DMP Roadmap.
For support on DMP Online and data management plans, contact your faculty library.
Sharing research data
There are many platforms and services where researchers can make research data available. There are both general platforms (like Swedish National Data Service, SND or Zenodo) and subject specific (which you can find via for example r3data or OSF). Publishers and journals sometimes provide services for making research data available. Even if the data cannot be openly shared, you can still publish a description of your research data to make it searchable and visible – FAIR.
Swedish National Data Service (SND)
re3data (Registry of Research Data Repositories)
For questions regarding legal aspects for making research data available, contact your faculty library for further help.
For questions regarding research ethics, contact your faculty library. You can also contact Lund University’s experts or your faculty’s ethics council.
Research ethics and animal testing ethics on Lund University Staff Pages
Storage of research data
For guidance on technical solutions for data storage, contact your faculty library, or you can contact LDC or your faculty’s local IT unit.
Information about storage solutions at Lund University (in Swedish)
Information about information security on Lund University Staff Pages
Need help?
Contact your library:
Economics and Management Library (LUSEM Library)
Libraries of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology
Social Sciences Faculty Library
University Library
Servicedesk, e-mail:
servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se (servicedesk[at]lu[dot]se)
Telephone: 046-222 90 00
(Monday-Friday 8:00-17:00)
Web form Servicedesk:
Domain specialists, researchers with national assignments to provide advice on research data in their respective subjects, can give support and answer questions.