In case of fire
How to act in case of a fire depends on the situation. Here you will find general information on what to do.
Be prepared
Complete the University’s basic fire safety training. The online course takes just fifteen minutes to complete and you will find it in Kompetensportalen. As a new employee, you are to have completed the online course within eight weeks of taking up employment.
Go to the online fire safety course in Kompetensportalen
As a permanent staff member, you are also to complete a practical fire extinguishing course, which will be offered to you and booked by your line manager. As a new employee, you are to have completed the practical fire extinguishing course within eighteen months of taking up employment.
All fire safety training is to be repeated at least every five years.
Information about evacuation routes, the location of fire extinguishers, fire alarm buttons and assembly points can be found on the evacuation plans strategically placed in all buildings at Lund University.
Study the evacuation plans in advance so that you are prepared in case you need to evacuate the building!
Save people who are in immediate danger – help each other!
Remember your own safety; do not expose yourself to unnecessary risks.
Alert those around you that a fire has started or that the fire alarm has gone off.
Urge the people around to start evacuating. Remember that people listening to music on their headphones may not have heard the alarm.
If the alarm does not automatically start, or if there is another cause for evacuation, press the alarm buttons placed throughout the building.
Call the emergency services via SOS Alarm by dialling 112 (or 0-112 if you are calling via your office landline) and answer the operator’s questions. By calling 112, the right resources can be sent to the location at an early stage.
Do you know what address you are calling from? The address of the building is stated on the evacuation plan.
If possible, also inform the University security control centre at +46 46-222 07 00. The security officer can help you in an evacuation and initiate Lund University’s crisis procedure when necessary.
All fires start small – acting quickly makes a big difference.
Extinguish the fire if you think you can do so, but remember your own safety – do not expose yourself to unnecessary risks!
Evacuate the building via the nearest smoke-free evacuation route and head for the assembly point.
Close any doors behind you to minimise the spread or fire and smoke.
Lifts must never be used for evacuation!
If you are in the middle of teaching, make sure to evacuate together with your group via the nearest smoke-free evacuation route.
Does anyone need help evacuating? Most building stairwells are fire cells that constitute safe zones in case of a fire. In such places, known as evacuation sites, people with reduced mobility or orientation can await help from the emergency services. Learn the evacuation procedures that apply in the building where you are located.
Once you have evacuated
Go to the assembly point!
If you have information about what happened in the building, e.g. that there are still people inside or where the fire is located, it is important that you notify the evacuation officer, University security officer or the emergency services staff directly.
Just because the alarm is switched off, it does not necessarily mean that the danger is over. The emergency services may silence the alarm to facilitate their work in the building. Therefore, never return to the building before receiving permission from the emergency services, the University security officer or the person in charge of the building.
In case of emergency, always call 112!
If you are calling via your office landline, dial 0-112.
University security control centre
+46 46 222 07 00
Isabel Hedvall
Fire safety officer
+46 46 222 37 48
isabel [dot] hedvall [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se (isabel[dot]hedvall[at]bygg[dot]lu[dot]se)
Martin Åberg
Fire safety coordinator
+46 46 222 70 54
martin [dot] aberg [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se (martin[dot]aberg[at]bygg[dot]lu[dot]se)
Do you have questions about fire protection at your workplace? Contact your fire protection manager. Ask your line manager who the fire protection manager is at your workplace.
Further information
Staff with fire safety responsibility or staff who work with flammable materials can find further information on the HR website.
Go to the pages on fire protection on the HR website (in Swedish)