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The logotype is the single most important signifier of the University’s identity in our graphic profile and should always be included when Lund University is the sender. Here you will find information on where to download the logotype, which versions are available and how they may be used.

Producing one’s “own” logotypes is not permitted. If you have questions about this, if you want to apply for sub-logotype (see description below) or for the right to individual profiling (separate graphic profile), contact the Branding Office at Corporate Communication or send an email to grafiskprofil [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se 

Download logotype

Download the basic version of the main Lund University logotype for print and digital media use in Swedish and English (zip file 1,5 MB, new window)

Do you need a different version? All approved versions of the Lund University logotype are available for download from the Image and Media Bank. Log in with your Lucat ID.

Logotypes in the Image and Media Bank

Logotype versions

Basic version

Lund University’s logotype, consisting of the text Lund University and the seal, is available in three approved basic versions, in Swedish and English. The two-line centred level 1 logotype is clearest and most communicative, and should therefore be used wherever possible. In certain contexts, depending on format, you may need to choose one of the other versions. 

Two-line centred main logotype (recommended):

Lund University logotype

Single line centred main logotype:

Lund University single line centered logotype

Horizontal main logotype:

Lund University horizontal main logotype.

Templates in the Image and Media Bank


The two-line logotype also exists in versions known as sub-logotypes. Lund University consists of many different organisations and in certain contexts there is a particular need to clarify which part of the University is communicating. Combining the University’s main logotype with the name of a specific organisation forms a sub-logotype that clarifies the origin of the message.

  1. Faculties and schools, as well as Campus Helsingborg, are written in capital letters (these sub-logotypes replace the previous level 2 logotypes).
  2. Other sub-logotypes are written using a first capital letter followed by lowercase. Organisations that use abbreviations or acronyms are an exception – these can be in capitals.

Example of sub-logotypes

Sub-logotype School of Economics and Management

The text stating the organisation’s name or acronym is always to the right of the logotype.

Humanities Lab sub-logotype, English version

The field under the horizontal line can be used to clarify what the name stands for or to indicate faculty affiliation.

CASE sub-logotype.

In sub-logotypes that use abbreviations, the name is always to be written or explained under the horizontal line. The full name of Lund University should never be written in a sub-logotype as it is already included in the main logotype.

Basic criteria for permission to use a sub-logotype

Sub-logotypes are primarily for faculties and schools, as well as Campus Helsingborg. Any other organisations considering applying to use a sub-logotype need to analyse and justify the need for it, not least from the perspective of external recipients.

Basic criteria for obtaining a sub-logotype is that the organisation:

  • has a particular need for external communication and branding.
  • is of substantial scope in terms of staff and funding.
  • is of a long-term nature.

In addition to faculties and schools, other activities may also be given the opportunity to use a sub-logotype in case of special requirements:

  • Departments.
  • Large research-based groups. 
  • External engagement projects
  • Innovation organisations.
  • Administrative units with particular competitive circumstances. 

Please note that your organisation does not need a sub-logo to be able to build a website in the university-wide Drupal web solution. The web templates always include the University’s main logo in Swedish or English, and you can simply give your website the organisation’s name in the intended space in the page heading. On the other hand, organisations that already have an approved sublogo can have that placed in the page heading instead.

Applying for a sub-logotype

Applications for a sub-logotype are to be submitted to the relevant faculty (or equivalent) which will approve or reject the application after consultation with Corporate Communications. Approved applications are processed by Corporate Communications who will order and deliver the sub-logotype in an approved format. Please note that producing your own sub-logotypes or altering approved sub-logotypes is not permitted.

Sub-logotypes in the Image and media bank

When several organisational units within the University communicate

When several organisational units within the University are to collaborate, the main logotype must always be used. Thus, two or more sub-logotypes must never be placed side by side. If there is a need to clarify which organisational units are involved in the collaboration, this can be communicated through text.

Things to remember when using the logotype

The Lund University logotype must always:

  • Appear in the colours bronze/blue, black or white.
  • Appear in a size where the seal (see image below) is at least 10 millimetres high.
  • Be placed in a space which is free of text or other elements, known as a free zone. This free zone must always be at least as wide and as high as the “L” in the word LUND.
  • Be placed on a simple and plain background, so as to be clearly visible.

The Lund University logotype must never:

  • Be modified in any way, such as writing a different name next to/under the seal.
  • Appear in colours other than bronze/blue, black or white.
  • Be modified in its proportions.
  • Appear on a busy background.

The seal must always be at least 10 millimeters high:

An image of Lund University logotype showing that the seal must always be at least 10 millimeters high.
The seal must always be at least 10 millimeters high.

Illustration of the free zone around the logotype:


An illustration showing the Lund University logotype and the free zone around it.
Illustration of the free zone around the logotype.


Corporate Communications

grafiskprofil [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se

Maria Wendel
Communications officer
maria [dot] wendel [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se
+46 46 222 70 07

Anna Johnsson
Communications officer
anna_v [dot] johnsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se
+46 46 222 70 21

Petra Francke
Communications officer
petra [dot] francke [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (petra[dot]francke[at]kommunikation[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 46 222 03 16