Here you will find links to the latest annual and interim reports for Lund University.
- Lund University’s annual and interim reports
- Banking details and certificates (the Finance Pages, in Swedish)
- Detailed information for finance staff at the University is available on the Finance Pages including budgetary decisions (in Swedish)
In the support tool Kuben you can monitor finance, staff and student data.
Code system
On the Finance Pages, you will find lists of accounts and other code components (in Swedish)
What is “overhead” and how does it work?
An online course providing a general overview of the concept “full cost recovery” is available on Kompetensportalen.
Finance Department
Postal address
Lund University
Division of Finances
PO Box 117
221 00 Lund, Sweden
Visiting address
Sandgatan 5
223 50 Lund
Internal mailing code