Risk management
All operations involve risk, and they concern all employees at Lund University. A risk can be defined as the probability of an event occurring and the consequences thereof. Risk management can help you prioritise better and make the right decisions.
Lund University is to work with risk assessments for better internal governance and control. There are several benefits to risk assessment work because it
- increases the organisation’s ability to make quick and correct decisions
- creates greater efficiency within the organisation
- increases security in that our work is performed correctly
- makes violations of laws and internal regulations, e.g. in the form of irregularities, more difficult
Risk management at Lund University
All employees at the University should, as a natural part of their work, consider the risks. A more systematic consideration of risks – the risk management process – is part of the management processes at the University and is integrated with other operational planning.
The University Board is ultimately responsible for the internal governance and control at the University. The vice-chancellor is responsible for ensuring that good internal governance and control permeates all activities at the University. Managers are responsible for risk management activities within their respective areas of responsibility, such as line organisation, processes and systems.
All levels within the organisation shall be involved in its risk management work.
Read more on the HR web about risk and consequence analysis in view of an organisational change (in Swedish)
Support and advice
For more information, contact erika [dot] soderstjerna [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se
Erika Söderstjerna
Policy Officer
+46 46 222 92 58
erika [dot] soderstjerna [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se