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Registration of research documents

On this page you will find forms that researchers and research support can use to register research documents quickly and easily, in accordance with current laws and regulations.

Lund University's Document Management Plan and the specific preservation and disposal decisions for research documents regulate which documents must be preserved and which can be disposed of. The Records Management Plan also specifies the types of documents that are to be registered.

Records Management Plan, in Swedish (PDF, 4,4 MB, new tab).

Read more about archiving of research material and research data. 

How the forms work

The forms are linked to the University's central document registration system, W3D3. By using the forms, you avoid the need to log in to the system. This makes it easier for you and makes document registration quick and easy.

Choose the correct form for the type of document you want to register. Each form contains metadata fields to be filled in by the researcher or research support staff. Remember not to use any abbreviations or internal terms in the forms as the information must be comprehensible over time. Once the metadata fields are filled in and the document is uploaded, the form is submitted. 

In the form, it is mandatory to indicate your (the researcher's) organisational affiliation and the name of an administrative officer linked to that organisation. The administrative officers are automatically linked to the case in the registration system and are responsible for ensuring that everything is filled in correctly. If any information is missing, the administrative officer will contact the researcher for completion.

If you have indicated in a form that you are attaching a scanned paper original, it is important that you give the document to the administrative officer you named on the form. The administrative officer will ensure that the original paper copy is filed with the department's other paper documents.

If a form is missing

The forms below include the most commonly used research documents that are to be registered. The list of forms is not exhaustive and may be expanded as needs are identified.

If you do not find the type of document you need to register in the forms below, contact an administrative officer in your department who will manually register the document directly in the registration system.

Please contact the University Records Management at registrator [at] lu [dot] se if you have suggestions about additional forms or want to suggest changes to existing forms.

The forms 

Projects may look different and may or may not be funded. For the sake of simplicity, all types of scientific studies are referred to as projects in the forms.

  • Application for research funding
  • Authorisation for research
  • Ethical review
  • Confidentiality agreement for research
  • Data management plan
  • Project plan/Project description
  • Methodology statement/Method instructions
  • Interim report
  • Final report
  • Material Transfer Agreement
  • Research contract
  • Final financial report for research
  • Request for research funding

At the end of the page, you will find a list of other types of documents that must also be registered in the system. There are no forms for these types of documents yet, but if they have been created in connection with your research project, you are to contact your departmental document controller/administrative officer who can register them on your behalf.

If you have applied for research funding, register your application here:

Ansökan om forskningsmedel/Application for research funds

This document type may also refer to applications or nominations for research funding made by the University on behalf of individual researchers. 

This type of document relates to applications for various types of authorisation. For example, applications for permits from ethics committees, the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection, environmental review bodies, or permits concerning radiation. 

Please note that only your application for ethical review is registered via this form, while decisions from the Swedish Ethical Review Authority are registered under the document type below.

Tillstånd för forskning/Authorisation for research

Here you can register the decision you have received from the Swedish Ethical Review Authority.

The application is registered under "Authorisation for research". 

Etikprövning/Ethics review

Note that this type of document does not involve decisions related to animal testing. If you have documents relating to experiments on animals, contact your registrar/administrator at your department, who will register the documents for you. This may concern, for example, the application, decision, supporting documents or ethical review. 

If you have drawn up a confidentiality agreement for your research project, please register it via the link below:

Sekretessavtal för forskning/Confidentiality agreement for research (CDA)

During the course of the research project or study, your data management plan will change. It is important that each version of the data management plan is registered. The plan is considered finalised if, for example, it is attached to an application or if it has been distributed within the research project.

If you have forgotten to register each established version – be sure to register at least the most definitive and final version.

Datahanteringsplan/Data management plan (DMP)

If you have already attached your project plan or project description to your registered research application, you do not need to register it again. If you have not registered your project description/plan, you can do so via the link below: 

Projektplan/Project plan, Projektbeskrivning/Project description

A methodology statement or method instructions may also be attached or be included in your ethical review application, your research application or your data management plan. If you have already registered the methodology statement in one of the other cases, you do not need to register it separately.

Metodbeskrivning/Method description, Metodanvisning/Method instruction

If you have prepared an interim scientific report, it must be registered via the link below:

Delrapport/Interim report

Here you can register your final scientific report. In EU projects, this type of document is usually referred to as a “Final Project Report” or “Final Review Report”

Slutrapport/Final report

This type of document only concerns the final scientific report and not the financial one. The final financial report can be found below.

Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) are contractual documents used for the acquisition of various biological and research materials, and sometimes data, developed by non-profit organisations, government agencies and private industry. It can be any kind of material, such as chemical, electronic, biological or any other material. MTA is also used for other types of materials such as chemical compounds, reagents, mouse models and certain types of software.

You can register your MTA via the link below:

Materialöverföringsavtal/Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)

Registration of research contracts is not done via forms. You can read more about how to register research contracts on the following page: 

Diarieföring av forskningskontrakt (in Swedish)

This type of document is usually registered by finance officers at departmental level. If, as a researcher, you know that this type of document has not been registered by your finance officer, it needs to be registered via the link below:

Ekonomisk slutrapport för forskning/Final economic report for research

If the final financial report has been placed in the same case as the research contract, you do not need to register the final report here. 

This type of document is usually registered by finance officers at departmental level. If, as a researcher, you know that this type of document has not been registered by your finance officer, it needs to be registered via the link below:

Forskningsmedel rekvisition/Research funds requisition

If the request for research funding has been placed in the same case as the research contract, you do not need to enter the request here. 

Other types of documents to register

In addition to the documents and information above, the following documents must also be registered in relation to your research project: 

  • Correspondence relating to research projects (e.g. administrative correspondence with funders, clients, colleagues, collaboration partners, etc.) 
  • Power of attorney in relation to research projects
  • Communication plan for research projects
  • Report, organised conference (refers to the final financial report of an externally funded scientific conference)
  • Full costing, research projects 
  • Specification, research grants awarded
  • Notification of need, funding applications and decisions on research infrastructures
  • Agreement with another higher education institution or funding body on research infrastructure
  • User application, user agreement, feedback and evaluation for research infrastructures

If, as a researcher, you have received or created any of the above document types, please contact the document controller at your department who will manually register the document for you.


Please contact the document controllers if you have questions.

University Records Management 
registrator [at] lu [dot] se
+46 46 222 71 40
Monday–Friday 09:00–11:30.

Mailing address
Lund University
Records Management and Archives
Box 117
221 00 Lund

Internal mailing code: 62

Visiting address
Arkivcentrum Syd, Porfyrvägen 20
224 78 Lund