Funding opportunities for Ukrainian researchers
Here is a list of the funds available for Ukrainian researchers who want a research position in Sweden. The list is updated when there are more opportunities and there are more financiers who are about to release calls aimed at researchers in Ukraine.
Last updated: 2022-08-22.
Swedish Research Council tasked with gathering information on support to Ukrainian researchers
The Government has now tasked the Swedish Research Council with gathering information on support that is available to researchers who leave Ukraine and come to Sweden. Swedish higher education institutions and research funding bodies have already launched a number of support initiatives. A comprehensive list of options is published on the Swedish Research Council website.
Support for researchers from Ukraine – Swedish Research Council (
Information on this page
- Grants awarded by different research funding bodies
- Funding opportunities - Swedish foundations
- Organisations, networks and initiatives supporting Ukrainian researchers
- Other initiatives in Europe
Grants awarded by different research funding bodies
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research
On 4 March, the SSF announced SEK 30 million for individual research grants for Ukrainian researchers seeking refuge in Sweden. At the end of March, the total budget was allocated to 16 highly qualified research projects, each receiving SEK 1 or 2 million.
During the SSF board meeting on 6 April, the SSF set aside a further SEK 10 million with a deadline for applications of 13 April. A further 19 applications were received of which 11 were approved. In total, the SSF has awarded research grants to 27 Ukrainians, placed at 12 different Swedish universities. Two of those granted funding are based at Lund University.
Stort söktryck till SSF:s 40 Mkr för ukrainska forskare - Stiftelsen för strategisk forskning ( (in Swedish)
The Wallenberg Foundations (KAW, MMW and MAW)
A targeted grant for academic leaders of large research centres previously funded by KAW, MAW and MMW was launched in spring 2022 with the aim of nominating researchers from Ukraine. The call is closed and more information on the outcome can be found on the Wallenberg Foundations’ website.
The Wallenberg Foundations support 32 Ukrainian researchers at Swedish universities
SciLifeLab and KAW
With funding from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, KAW, SciLifeLab will support Ukrainian guest scientists in the fields of life science and biocomputing to join SciLifeLab-affiliated research groups and infrastructure and the data-driven life science programme. Financial support to cover salaries of Ukrainian scientists is available for a one-year period (up to SEK 1 million/person).
SciLifeLab launches KAW financed call to support scientist with Ukrainian nationality - SciLifeLab
Funding opportunities - Swedish foundations
The SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme
The SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme is a programme that offers funding for cooperation in project form between the EU countries around the Baltic Sea and countries in the EU's Eastern Partnership. In 2023, the Swedish Institute has a special call for project funding for the benefit of target groups in Ukraine.
SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme - special call Ukraine - Svenska institutet
Swedish Research Council provides grants for employment of Ukrainian MSCA postdocs with Seal of Excellence 2022
The Swedish Research Council has decided to provide grants to Ukrainian researchers who applied for postdoc fellowships within Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, (MSCA, Horizon Europe), but were not awarded this funding. If you are a researcher at LU and are contacted in connection with this, Lund University’s Research Services can provide assistance.
Research funding | Staff Pages (
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences / Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien
As an extraordinary measure, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announces scholarships for Ukrainian scientists to perform research in Sweden.
Kungl. vetenskapsakademien - Scholarships for Ukrainian scientists in Sweden (
Support from the Development Office at Lund University
For those of you who do not find funding opportunities, but who have a well-defined initiative that includes Ukrainian researchers, please submit a proposal. There are no ready-made funds for this, but it means that the Development Office packages your intended research and checks with potential donors. This means that some time is needed for packaging, discussion with potential donors and then feedback. Expect 1-2 weeks for this process.
Submit proposals to Oscar Heimburg oscar [dot] heimburg [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se.
Do you have funding available and are looking for researchers from Ukraine?
To view opportunities already registered, see the following link.
Organisations, networks and initiatives supporting Ukrainian researchers
European fund for displaced scientists (EFDS) via ALLEA
The European Commission launches MSCA4Ukraine
MSCA4Ukraine-pre-call-announcement.pdf (
The European Research Council (ERC)
The European Research Council (ERC) has appealed to its grantees to provide temporary employment to refugee researchers and support staff, such as technician and lab managers, from Ukraine. The ERC has contacted all its 5,600 current grantees and is collecting information on possible job opportunities. This data will be compiled and progressively published on the ERC website and in other channels.
ERC for Ukraine | ERC: European Research Council (
EURAXESS - The European Union
The European Union, its Member States and Europeans across the continent are mobilised in support of people fleeing the war in Ukraine. We are working on all fronts to support Ukraine with assistance, humanitarian aid and civil protection. This specific initiative wants to support researchers of Ukraine by providing them with an overview of all existing actions at European and national levels.
Scholars at Risk, SAR
Scholars at Risk works with its global network of higher education institutions around the world to arrange short-term, temporary research and teaching positions for threatened scholars. We also provide advisory, referral, and career support services for scholars.
Read more about Lund University's handling of: Scholars at Risk | Staff Pages (
Science for Ukraine
Science for Ukraine is a community group of volunteer students and research scientists from academic institutions in Europe and around the world.
Our mission is to collect and disseminate information about support opportunities at the university, national, and international level for graduate students and researchers directly affiliated to an academic institution in Ukraine.
European University Institute - EUI
The EUI Community resolutely stands with the people of Ukraine at this tragic time and mobilises to assist those who are in need of protection.
The EUI has opened its programmes to all directly affected by the war in Ukraine.
Programmes for all affected by the war in Ukraine (
Baltic University Programme (BUP): Baltic Science Bridge
The BUP associate secretariate at Hamburg University for Applied Science has launched the Baltic Science Bridge initiative. The aim of the initiative is to give Ukrainian researchers who can no longer work in their home country because of the war the opportunity to live and research in another country in the Baltic Sea region.
- Information regarding the war in Ukraine - The Baltic University Programme - Uppsala University, Sweden (
- HAW Hamburg: News Details (
Other initiatives in Europe
Science for Ukraine
Labs supporting Ukrainian Scientists is a website where it lists more than 100 laboratories opened to help Ukrainian researchers.
Labs supporting Ukrainian Scientists is an independent platform to link Ukrainian citizens who have fled their home country with residents.
For questions: ukraina [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se
HR information regarding the situation in Ukraine
Information about labour law and agreements apply as usual, possibility to hire employees from Ukraine etc.