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Lucat – for directory administrators and managers

Lucat is the people and address directory for Lund University.

About Lucat

Lucat is the people and address directory for Lund University. It stores information about people and the organisation, which is presented on various websites. The information in Lucat is also used for other IT services and systems. Authorisation for different IT services and systems.

New employees must activate their LU accounts

For new employees and affiliates to access the IT systems and services they need for work, they must activate their LU account. The account is activated in Passport.

Those with a Swedish personal identity number should use Freja eID+ or Mobile BankID to activate their LU accounts (or to reset a lost password). LUCAT directory administrators are also able to print a one-time passcode for account activation. However, this should only be used in exceptional cases and primarily for those without a Swedish personal identity number. 

Information about any disruption to the service will be published on LU Support.

Lucat for directory administrators

Information and manuals for directory administrators

An important task for you as a directory administrator is to keep Lucat up to date. This means ensuring that user information in Lucat is correct. As a directory administrator you are also to make sure that user authorisations are updated based on each user’s authority and responsibility. If a person terminates or changes employment, you are to remove the user from that organisation.

The manager is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the information about the organisation and employees in Lucat is correct and that it reflects the organisation.

For questions

If you have thoughts or questions about the content or how to perform various tasks in Lucat as a directory administrator, please contact your closest contact person at your faculty or equivalent.

For all other questions about Lucat or to report a problem, please contact the LU Service Desk. 

LU ServiceDesk
+46 46 222 90 00
ServiceDesk [at] lu [dot] se

Opening hours
Monday–Friday, 8:00–17:00

Ärendeportalen (Case portal)
Click here to log in (In Swedish)

Lucat for managers

The manager’s role in Lucat

As a manager you are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the information in Lucat about your organisation and your staff  is correct and that it reflects the structure of your organisation. This means that if the responsibilities and level of authority of a user change, the information and authorisations in Lucat must also be changed.

When one of your staff members has requested authorisation to a certain system, you will receive an email with instructions. In Lucat, you can certify that an application is correct with regard to the needs of your employees. Only after you have approved a request will the employee gain access to the system concerned. You may also receive authorisation requests from people who do not belong to your cost centre, but are affiliated with your organisation.

You can delegate the task of approving authorisations to one or more person/s. That person is to apply in Lucat for an authorisation called “Delegerad attest” (Delegated authorisation approval) for you to approve. You will both receive email notifications, but only one of you needs to approve. This is a convenient feature to take advantage of during holiday seasons.

As a manager, you can see a report of all your employees and their authorisations in Lucat.

For questions

As a manager, you can always contact your directory administrator if you have questions about Lucat.


For technical questions about Lucat or to report an error, please contact the LU Service Desk.

LU ServiceDesk
+46 46 222 90 00
ServiceDesk [at] lu [dot] se

Opening hours
Monday–Friday, 8:00–17:00

Report portal 
Click here to log in